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  • Before: Feb 11, 2008
  • Users: Gabbo
  • Order by date
  1. Gabbo

    Soupy Norman

    Job done. Nice wan.
  2. Gabbo

    Soupy Norman

    It's a dubbed Polish Soap Opera. It's supposed to be set in Buttevant in Cork. It's the best thing RTE have done ever. Heavily doubt the Late Late thing, tho.
  3. Gabbo

    Soupy Norman

    YouTube - Soupy Norman - Buttevant (part 1 I think...)
  4. Gabbo

    Soupy Norman

    My mate said she saw an ad for the return of Soupy. I went on the rte website and it confirmed that there'd be some on over xmas. Does anyone know if these are gonna be new episodes?
  5. Gabbo

    John Maus - Wed 19th Dec

    What are the stage times, etc.
  6. Gabbo

    the worlds greatests words....

    I thought I'd come up with the word Procrasturbating, but then I googled it and someone had got there before me. I like fecundity in the real world.
  7. Gabbo

    Your favourite albums & songs for 07 so far...

    Gotsta agree with Dutchy. Got This Time Tomorrow by The Makes Nice today and it makes my Jap's ear bleed.
  8. Gabbo

    Bored in Work 286

    Could have sworn that was Rafa Nadal.
  9. Gabbo

    John Maus - Wed 19th Dec

    Yeah. I go. Be good, it shall.
  10. Gabbo

    What records did you listen to today?

    The third disc of the 20 Years of Dischord Box Set. Picked it up for a fiver in a Virgin clearout about 2 years ago. Bam.
  11. Gabbo


    The only man I'd ever go gay for. Genius. Final Fantasy was great too.
  12. Gabbo


    Tickets on the door tonight? Is he gonna have a band with him?
  13. Gabbo

    no age on monday

    Also 10 euro shirts again.
  14. Gabbo

    no age on monday

    Where does everybody go on a Monday? A 1/4 full Whealan's once again. They were bloody great tho. Made me sad to see the place so empty.
  15. Gabbo

    Bored in Work 281
