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  • Before: Apr 13, 2005
  • Users: brianoak
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. brianoak

    Monday 11th of April in Voodoo

    Monday 11th April Voodoo lounge Wreck of the Hesperus(doom) Tremors(drone) Infidel Castro(Heavy Rock) 5 euro 7.30 on,again that is real time as first band on at 8:) Benefit for "Street on Canvas" exhibition good excuse to head out on monday
  2. brianoak

    Voodoo Lounge Monday the 11th

    Monday 11th of April Wreck of the Hesperus(doom) Tremors(drone) Infidel Castro(Heavy rock) Benefit for "Street on Canvas" exhibition 5 euro 7.30 on,again thats real time first band on at 8:) Good excuse to get out on a monday
  3. brianoak

    this is hilarious

    Has anyone ever seen this?absolutely classic:D
  4. brianoak

    Bored in Work 146

    reinforcing what you are isnt it lovely when your friends sned you links like this just to let you know they are thinking of you.oh yeah if your in work and you have no sound on computer dont bother clicking:)
  5. brianoak

    HOW DO I?

    How do I post images from my hardrive?I can do it from the web but cant figure how to post images from my own computer. :confused:
  6. brianoak

    Not again....

    This is madness.I dont know how they are going to stop these shootings.It's gone too far for gun control at this stage because there is already too many out there.,,30000-1175600,00.html
  7. brianoak

    Bands and information?

    Ok as you may have read in arts and the lifestyle forum I am putting on an exhibition for graffiti artists in the digital hub.However its costing us a shitload more money than we thought.We dont want to charge in to the exhibition so i was thinking of putting on gig to help with the cost.Its a...
  8. brianoak

    How come?

    How come the reveiws section hasnt been added to in ages?Is it because nobody wants to reveiw or just not bothered with it?
  9. brianoak

    this is a long shot but anyhow

    Does anybody know if the Guggenheim in Berlin receives funding from the german government or does it act independantly in cojuction with the Deutsches bank?Have trawled the internet and cant get through to them by phone and its too late to e mail them as project is due on if anyone...
  10. brianoak

    ever find your ex

    did anyone ever come across their ex on myspace or anything like that?I just did a second ago and its pretty wierd.discuss
  11. brianoak


    A program dedicated to the above.Sky one 9pm Monday.........starting a chav metal band before it gets too popular.need a bass player and fashion advisor pm if interested
  12. brianoak


    I am putting on a graffiti exhibition with a few others at the start of april.We need graffiti artists who would like to exhibit their work on canvas, this includes stencil graff too.You will have an opportunity to sell your work and it should be a pretty large event.We have some good...
  13. brianoak


    I am putting on a graffiti exhibition with a few others at the start of april.We need graffiti artists who would like to exhibit their work on canvas, this includes stencil graff too.You will have an opportunity to sell your work and it should be a pretty large event.We have some good...
  14. brianoak

    Bass heads????

    Any suggestions about a decent bass head.I like the ampeg stuff but its pricey 879 for the cheapest solid state.If anyone knows of a head that sounds good and is a bit cheaper or second hand I would appreciate the info.
  15. brianoak

    wouldnt it be more interesting if.............

    wouldnt it be more interesting if mtv turned pimp my ride into pimp my wife?think of the possibibilities at least 10 seasons and a dvd boxset every christmas
  16. brianoak

    vocalist required

    three piece looking band looking for vocalist.plenty of songs the vein of kyuss,goatsnake,sleep,electric wizard and the melvins etc.preferably 20+.if your interested and beleive sabbath riffs are the be and all of riffs post a reply.