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  • Before: Nov 7, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Genesis Trespass "White mountain"
  2. robitusson

    The Beatles Remasters

    Sorrrrry.. "Love, love me do!" La-la-la! John's a geeeeeenius! etc. etc.
  3. robitusson

    GG's last day on earth

    Watching now.
  4. robitusson

    Inglourious Basterds

    ...and, may I add, anyone who enjoyed it vill be hunted down und KILLED!!
  5. robitusson

    The Beatles Remasters

    If only it were possible. ...but unfortunately they're foisted on us regardless.
  6. robitusson

    Inglourious Basterds

    IB was absolutely dreadful, laughably bad. Frankly I think anyone who actually found it worth watching, very simply, has bad taste in films.
  7. robitusson


    Definitely wanna hear this. Doubt it'll be amazing though.
  8. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Funebrarum Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods "Adoration of Abscessed Cadavers"
  9. robitusson

    cheap flights to thailand

    Less hassle than Thailand? I can't think of a more streamlined and less hassle-y Asian country to visit than Thailand.
  10. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    The Strangeloves "Nigt time"
  11. robitusson

    Insect Warfare

    I won't be in the country then. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiite!!! That's the longest question I've ever seen.
  12. robitusson

    Insect Warfare

    Anyone who misses this is s a fooooool!
  13. robitusson

    The Infernal Method @ The Infirmary Cork

    Good place ta meet girls I'd say.
  14. robitusson

    Record shops in Italy.

    That shop's called Fumetti e Dischi.
  15. robitusson

  16. robitusson

    Record shops in Italy.

    It's on Viale Francesco Petrarca, at the northern end. The little "A" on here is the street but it's further up than that. I'll find out the name tomorrow when I'm down that way.
  17. robitusson


    Fuck Monotonix. ex-IDF cunts.
  18. robitusson

    Record shops in Italy.

    I found a cool second hand place in Florence last week. Bought Queen II and Sheer Heart Attack. Loads of old 80s metal, new wave and garage 7 inches, comics and stuff. Koool!
  19. robitusson


    Hope it was that taxi driver who fuckin' knocked me down before.