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  • Before: Nov 7, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    Black Metal Recommendations

    Well those reviews are waaaay off coz it rocks like fuck.
  2. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Tough Junkie Grab What You Can "Towel fight loser"
  3. robitusson

    Dead Snow

  4. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Pentagram "Be forewarned"
  5. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    May Blitz "For Mad Men Only" May Blitz and 2nd Of May
  6. robitusson


    Just responding to someone suggesting kicking the shit out of these "nazi" kids in Temple Bar. As far as I can see they're hardly any kind of real threat to anyone, just misguided people barely more than children, messing around with some edgy imagery and ideas, probably just to get a reaction...
  7. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Nektar Journey To The Centre Of The Eye
  8. robitusson


    Deco? Being laughed at? Strike a light Ailsa!
  9. robitusson


    Just, are people against real fascism or silly internet Nazis?
  10. robitusson

    The Dangerfields in The Sunday Times?!

    Oh, they're still going?
  11. robitusson


    Go and kick the fuck out of a priest. No spotty, teenage, wannabe internet Nazi ever set up a jail for children to be continually raped in.
  12. robitusson

    your anthem

  13. robitusson

    recommend me some pc speakers

    Any more speaker suggestions? I have a Mac book. I want to listen to music and talk shows. They wouldn't have to be too loud for me. Anyone know anything good around the 150 Euro mark?
  14. robitusson

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    Alice Cooper Golf Monster audiobook
  15. robitusson

    Spoken word/Comedy

    I posted this elsewhere but it might of interest to posters on this thread. Diggit!
  16. robitusson

    Any good spoken word podcasts about?

    Not podcasts but heaps to listen to here.
  17. robitusson

    GG's last day on earth

    Good to see some love for GG here instead of the usual backlash stuff people usually react with. GG 4 evuh dudezzz!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  18. robitusson

    The Beatles Remasters

    Why is it Ringo's fault?
  19. robitusson

    GG's last day on earth

    Their language is terrible. They ought to wash their mouths out.