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  • Before: Nov 7, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    punks and the far right

    *whisper* It's a pose.
  2. robitusson

    Black Metal Nonsense Mongers

  3. robitusson

    Eminem is not amused

    He was. He didn't know it was gonna happen imo. Don't see why people assoom he knoo. :confused:
  4. robitusson

    Eminem is not amused

    Pity he didn't fall on Eminem breaking both their necks in the process. Wasted opportunity.
  5. robitusson

    Yoor top 5 songwriters

    Fuck. Ing. Right. :cool::cool::cool:
  6. robitusson

    Yoor top 5 songwriters

    6 pages in and no mention of Bob Mould so far? Sheesh!
  7. robitusson

    What movie did you watch last night?

    La Fille Coupée En Deux (The Girl Cut In Two) Set the vile-o-meter to maximum. As French as French could be with an added dash of Frenchness for good measure. Lots of shrugging of shoulders, gesturing with "bah oooooui!", drinking wine, sex (no nudity though bizarrely) and smoking. Pretty...
  8. robitusson

    Alien prequel to be made

    Why stop there? How about a meanwhile-quel? What was going on in other parts of space at the same time as the original Alien film? I really don't think this franchise has even come close to being fully milked. There are just heaps of possibilities left in it yet.
  9. robitusson

    New Rock jihad podcast

    No. I subscribed in iTunes and downloaded a couple of them there. No problems.
  10. robitusson

    What are these files?

    Couldn't bloody do it. Too complimicated for my 'pooter skills. They don't seem to be doing anything to the machine anyway much.
  11. robitusson

    Photos from the scene

    What is teddyboyabilly anyway?
  12. robitusson

    What are these files?

    Nah. Got it brand new. I've never owned or used a Mac before.
  13. robitusson

    What are these files?

    Cool. I'll give that a try. Thanks. I don't have a clue what bootcamp does. It's been on the desktop since I got the bloody thing. Still got no idea what it's for.
  14. robitusson

    What are these files?

    Weird looking files that are in my trash. They won't delete either. If I press "get info" the window thingie opens up and then disappears really quickly and then the file disappears. Then it's back next time I open the trash. Can't drag them out onto the desktop or anywhere else. Very...
  15. robitusson

    Photos from the scene

    Black Sister and Coitus from last night.
  16. robitusson

    Has there ever been a good musical show/film?

    This. Jeepers! It finally gets a mention on page 5! Spinal Tap too obviously.
  17. robitusson

    skubol distro....

    What's on then? I don';t see anything in the gig calendar.
  18. robitusson

    Arrests in New York 'attack plot'

    Pack of pricks. Shame they weren't the target.
  19. robitusson

    why do men dominate in traditionally "female" occupations?

    Not in all cases. Ladies are definitely better at the tambourine.