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  • Before: Sep 13, 2006
  • Users: mazzyianne
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  1. mazzyianne

    rossport weekend

    Hey Probably not tooooo likely on here, but if anyone has been planning to visit the lovely Rossport Solidarity Camp there's a work weekend planned for the August bank holiday ie, 5th-7th. The last one ( was deadly but...
  2. mazzyianne

    Selling my Car!

  3. mazzyianne

    Bicycle courier jobs

    I've got a specialized rockhopper that I love to bits, but I'm thinking about replacing it with a lady-bike that has me sitting upright. Its just my shoulders hurt (along the shoulderblades) when I cycle for any serious amount of time, or with anything on my back. I cycle a good bit and love...
  4. mazzyianne

    I am both a veggie and a lazy bastard

    This website has some deadly recipies, you can even search by main ingredient if you have something in particular and you don't know what to make with it. dont be offended by the name... It means they were punks once :D edit: looking again, some of the stuff looks...
  5. mazzyianne


    I've been eating mostly massive bowls of salad with whatever i find in the fridge/cupboard added. Always lots of lettuce, and baby spinach if I can get to the veg shop. I think I'll turn into a tomato one if these days, I eat tonnes of them (I'll look like this:mad: only happier, yum) Sometimes...
  6. mazzyianne


    Yum, I was trying to recreate that M&S hummous and did a pretty good job. I made it pretty much the same as the reciepe above and then roasted a red pepper under the grill, bit of olive oil thrown on it. Peel the skin off the pepper once it's soft, throw in. Then I added a bit of this nice...
  7. mazzyianne

  8. mazzyianne

    Shell to Sea/Rossport Solidarity Camp Fundraiser on Saturday

    Saturday July 22nd, Fundraiser at Eamonn Doran's, Temple Bar An eclectic mix of music featuring: Love Pop Suicide (alternative progressive metal) Flash My Frankenstein (rock/brass) The Ozark Roadshow Alan Can't (comedy rock) and The Hardcore Priests of Yemen (reggae rock) Tickets...
  9. mazzyianne

    Shell to Sea/Rossport Solidarity Camp Fundraiser on Saturday

    Saturday July 22nd, Fundraiser at Eamonn Doran's, Temple Bar An eclectic mix of music featuring: Love Pop Suicide (alternative progressive metal) Flash My Frankenstein (rock/brass) The Ozark Roadshow Alan Can't (comedy rock) and The Hardcore Priests of Yemen (reggae rock) Tickets...
  10. mazzyianne

    For the former Magpies

    The leaky skylight?
  11. mazzyianne

    these chicks won't shave.....until men do

    And they're itchy and spikey and have little red dots. Repulsive, puts me off my dinner.:p
  12. mazzyianne

    For the former Magpies

    Saw that - heeeelarious :p does bring a tear to the eye tho....
  13. mazzyianne

    email for cian or ray?

    That is so like him! Fuck's sake dunch, :p Anyway point is, where the fuck is cian and when is he coming out to play?
  14. mazzyianne

    Savoury snacks

    Yum! Where did you find those? I got some great rice crispy snack things in the oriental emporium the other week. Pretty spicy but so full of msg ya just keep going back for more.|..| :D
  15. mazzyianne

    email for cian or ray?

    Why de-rep me for that?? boo hoo.
  16. mazzyianne

    email for cian or ray?

    I just pm'ed you then realised Cian is in Ireland. Or so I heard.
  17. mazzyianne

    Should there be light relief in serious Anarchist threads?

    I reckon if you were actually being funny it wouldn't be a problem - see glen's light relief in the abortion arguments (or most threads he posts on). But when you're interrupting a debate to tell people they shouldn't be debating anything coz it's too serious (for you) that's not funny, it's...
  18. mazzyianne

    israel in gaza

    How's it going over there? Must be mental, look after yerselves. hi to Garry.
  19. mazzyianne

    political violence

    This is what I meant about property destruction vs violence. From the definition there it would seem violence doesn't have to involve any impact on a person or animal or whatever. Inanimate objects don't count. I reckon the definition is wrong and I'm right :p And he's not from Mayo he's...
  20. mazzyianne

    political violence

    I'm pretty sure there was armed struggle. Also now that I think of it, in Zimbabwe for sure during their struggle for independence, most African countries had some armed struggle at that time, the Congo for sure too... Is armed struggle ok in those cases? My point remains (although thanks for...