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  • Before: Sep 13, 2006
  • Users: mazzyianne
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  1. mazzyianne


    Yeah that was fuckin deadly, I wasn't mad about jarboe with them though. sorry ed...
  2. mazzyianne

    Anarchism not Chaos - Derry

    :p :p
  3. mazzyianne

    Mary Harney

    Hahaha, the perfect image for this thread. I looked at it a few days ago, thought exactly that, and left it alone. head+brick wall = sore head ps duchee it seems I have to spread some rep around but I'll be back
  4. mazzyianne

    Allergy to Yeast.. fuckin crap.

    Umm.... no...I would never be that stupid phew, got away with that one
  5. mazzyianne


    Just thought I'd up-to-date people in case anyone is doing anything similar someday. Most places in Ireland were pretty expensive. Ecoprint was really expensive, I think he misquoted us first though so it was a bit confusing. We went with footprint in Leeds because...
  6. mazzyianne

    Allergy to Yeast.. fuckin crap.

    They make my teeth hurt for some reason...
  7. mazzyianne

    Tattoo Studio / Tattoo Artists, Dublin

    Nothing compared to ray's ones, yikes. I like the me auld flower, it's nice writing. Every time I pass the flowershop of the same name in Cabra it gives me a chuckle.
  8. mazzyianne

    ggi fest

    Or 'loser country' as Nev used to call them Come home Nev... :(
  9. mazzyianne

    Happy Birthday to jane, coraline on 1st September 2006

    happy birfday jane!!! have a deadly day! Have to see ya soon (if I ever get this thesis done...)
  10. mazzyianne

    This weekend in the seomra

    Events at Seomra Spraoi this weekend (all free admission, but there is a donations box and the ol' standing order forms) Please forward! SATURDAY * Tea & DIY from 2pm: Drop in for tea/coffee and biscuits and - if you feel like it - help with doing up the place. Or just have a look and see...
  11. mazzyianne

    This weekend in the seomra

    Events at Seomra Spraoi this weekend (all free admission, but there is a donations box and the ol' standing order forms) Please forward! SATURDAY * Tea & DIY from 2pm: Drop in for tea/coffee and biscuits and - if you feel like it - help with doing up the place. Or just have a look and see...
  12. mazzyianne

    The Freebooters, MO7s and Sean R, Dublin Fri Aug 25th

    When I got outside the more agro one was puking his guts up all over the place. I felt a little more sympathetic then. I don't believe they gave a fuck about people not dancing with them though, noone could dance anywhere near them. And Barry Benifit and Houly didn't get the best reactions...
  13. mazzyianne

    Currently addicted to...

    I got given these, they were 50cents in the bounty stores for about a day Then I got hooked. Possibly the stupidist thing (maybe most expensive) I've ever been addicted to. I couldn't afford even one tub so I had to go cold turkey. They're all gone now for about a week. I kept topping them...
  14. mazzyianne

    what am I gonna do with...

    Woops, and mash/blenderise the beans before you add them. Maybe that bit was obvious.. The beans need to be well cooked.
  15. mazzyianne

    what am I gonna do with...

    refried beans mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I remember they're easy to make and I think you can freeze them it's just fry up onion, add cooked beans, bit o cumin and chilli and garlic I think. bit of water too I guess and olive oil. mexalicious. (Dunch dont u have a the recipe in that 'hot damn...
  16. mazzyianne

    The Freebooters, MO7s and Sean R, Dublin Fri Aug 25th

    Ah, so ends the mystery. There was blood everywhere. Sprayed on my t-shirt, on my mates arm, all over the ground outside too. I'll wear black to gigs in future, that'll teach me for stepping out of line. Great gig by the way, stupid tall many-elbowed lads were the only bad buzz. Hadn't had...
  17. mazzyianne

    AY meeting/film showing on Sunday.

    It's lower, between capel st bridge and millenium bridge. nice one youths, hope it goes well.
  18. mazzyianne


    My old housemate used to pronounce it eh-mental, with the emphasis on the mental. She had only ever seen in written down. What a legend!
  19. mazzyianne


    I've got crozier blue in the fridge right now yumyum. I :heart: Boursin, the pepper one, the garlic one, all of them mmmmmmmm !cheezy!cheezy!cheezy!cheezy the only cheese I ever found that I really don't like is emmenthal and cheeses of it's weird chalky ilk.
  20. mazzyianne

    Sociable Cooking

    One receipe is soya milk, lemon juice, mustard, salt, garlic in a blender then add oil as you blend. Don't use sweetened soya milk (learn from my mistakes:o) It can be fantastic, can be not so great. I've never really had the chance to experiment with it much, not being vegan meself. edit...