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  • Users: Corey
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Corey

    Nature-It's so.... natural.

  2. Corey

    Jokes Thread

    What worse than finding a worm in your apple? -The holocaust.
  3. Corey

    Its NOT friday. It's Thursday.

    God. -Damn. i fucking HATE when i do that.
  4. Corey

    Legal Thread

    Those two girls are'nt really naked in the chalets video. I have'nt been that dissappointed since i saw the end of 'Contact.' Aaaaaaaaaanyhoo, have you seen this?have you heard about this? I'm looking for a bunch of solicitors based down in cork somewhere who have been dealing with all the...
  5. Corey

    Happy Birthday Martina!

    I've booked us the bar in fitzsimmons, temple bar, and Mikey from accounts has offered to dj for the evening. Dont forget your fairy wings!!!
  6. Corey

    Lunchtime Dilemma

    I'm stuck between Meanies, MegaMeanies, Banshee bones, Snaps, Zombies, Mummies, Hot Lips, Wheelies and good old BurgerBites. Does thumped have some kind of bat signal for Portid?
  7. Corey

    Holy Fucking Christ.

    Just LOOK at these little cunts. ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *blood slowly rising to the boil*
  8. Corey

    I'm the hottest thing on thumped.

    ... Ladies. Restain yourselves.
  9. Corey

    Cheap deadly hotels in london.

    Ahem. Never been. Going over for an expo in battersea in october with the missus minus the baby, so we'll be staggering round looking for deadly places to go. I hear chelsea's delightful N.B- Must have bar and drunken pianist.
  10. Corey

    Fuck Cricket, lets talk DARTS.

    Owns a bar. Eats Pies. Plays darts. Goes to bed. A true Spartan Athlete. Look at that shoulder; still as a pond on a windless day... See his arms raised victorious, and his trouser zipper, daringly open... The one and only.......but remeber: -there can be only one... Lets hear it...
  11. Corey

    Where's the love????

    c'mon now,
  12. Corey

    Yous are funny cunts.

    Yiz are, yizzer.
  13. Corey


    camel spiders. Holy Fucking Shit.
  14. Corey

    I'm not feeling it.

    I'm not.
  15. Corey

    Here's one for all you ladies out there tonight...

    My ladylove likes to make the clothes and stuff and is not bad at it. So i'm going to buy her a present. Women, where's the sowing machine shop?
  16. Corey

    Your favourite politically themed/protest song.

    Listening to Harvest while crawling to work earlier; had'nt heard 'Alambama' properly before. Mr. Young sticks it to the man. Again.
  17. Corey


  18. Corey

    Matchbox quotes.

    Just knocked out for some aul' lunch there,and was in the midst of resolving to stay away from thumped for the rest of the day when i looked at the matchbox and it told me that 'reputation is longer lasting than life'. That's me convinced. Somebody rep me right now. I might die tommorrow.
  19. Corey


    Cant remember how to set one up. Solve my problem an you can slap my dumb greasy face.
  20. Corey


    This fucking eurostar hopeful barge-horn working in the creche below my office will NOT stop fucking singing. It's her voice. Sounds like Roseanne Bar after a hearty plate of cabbage and ham. As if the sound of little chislers batin the nappies off each other was'nt enough; i now have put up...