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  1. S

    Urgent: Deportations Today!

    There is a definite deportation today so could people get down to the gnib on burgh quay at 2pm. more:
  2. S

    Urgent: Deportations.....

    There is a definite deportation today so could people get down to the gnib on burgh quay at 2pm. more:
  3. S

    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    I saw that belated response from the agency.. isnt it wonderful that they have deigned to issue a statement telling us how wonderful they are... :eek: I personally know of two more homeless people who have died in Dublin recently.. To me that suggests that people are dying due to the...
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    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    Some of the Street Seen Crew will be appearing on The Big Bite today (Tuesday) RTE ONE 2.25pm repeated again on Weds morning.
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    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    :rolleyes: No front for ANY political organisation! Tis simply a an anti-poverty paper Basically the big issue done properly!! Apologies for the C+P, also need supdating, but I is in a rush... Street Seen was established in November 2004, as a campaigning...
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    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    And they sure is revolting! latest developments at:
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    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    Quick Update There will be some cover provided tommorow night and a mini-bus near to hand so we can defeat the current inclement weather conditions.. Some Musicians will be dropping down for a 'seisun' around 10ish. The Food Not Bombs crew will be supplying some refreshments and a bit of a...
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    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    Street Seen Press release 26th September Homeless sleep out outside the Dáil. Tuesday 27th September from 6pm until Wednesday morning As the government returns to work after it’s over paid and over extended holiday’s members of the homeless community will be sleeping outside the...
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    The Homeless are revolting! Join Them!

    No More Deaths on our Streets Killed by IndifferenceStreet Seen are organising a sleep out outside the Dáil to highlight the continuing campaign of "No more deaths on our Streets - Killed by Indifference" a campaign on the issue of the preventable deaths of members of the homeless community...
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    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    Amongst other things.... Protest went exceedingly well about 300 heads, not so much the numbers but the calibre of peeps present blew me away!! We had homeless street meeting after in Stephens Green, 30 homeless peeps present!! Again had street meeting Sunday morning 22 homeless peeps...
  11. S

    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    I entirely agree with you. I was stressing the point that the three deaths werent intrinsincly(Sp?) linked with each other. Alcohol does appear to be the major factor in the case at SM Again I agree... For example in Belfast there is not even a needle exchange set up yet! Anyhows me brains...
  12. S

    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    This may not be the best place for this discussion... Having spoke to a number of people who knew Noeleen et al there doesnt appear to be a link between the three at this time. The fact that 3 people did die can throw up suspicions of dirty gear. Why is it when a 'homeless' person passes away...
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    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    I dont indulge in idle speculation.. I can and do stand over my comments
  14. S

    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    There is no drugs connection.. BTW.. somebody had rang the Police 3 hours before Noellens body was 'discovered' one has to wonder whether she was deceased at this time.. tis on camera though..
  15. S

    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    Thanking you Spiritual for giving the government spin...!zed There was me thinking that it had something to do with the lack of services, beds and government cutbacks..:rolleyes:
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    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    Just recieved word that a 17 year old homeless youth also died at the weekend in Dublin.... There is a crisis on Irish Streets and it is essential that we can get as many people onto the Streets to protest against the simple fact that hundreds of people are consigned to live on the streets...
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    No More Deaths On Our Streets

    No More Deaths On Our Streets Housing Is A Right Not A Privilege Saturday 17 September @ 2pm Central Bank Dame Street Dublin 2 The recent tragic deaths of two ‘homeless’ people in Dublin highlights the Governments acute inadequacies in serving its citizens. On a weekly basis people die...
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    Belfast Solidarity Actions with the Jailed Rossport 5

    see youse all later... bump!
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    Belfast Solidarity Actions with the Jailed Rossport 5

    If you could take a few seconds and sign the Online petition @
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    Belfast Solidarity Actions with the Jailed Rossport 5

    Shell can go to Hell! Belfast Solidarity Actions with the Jailed Rossport 5 Friday 29th July @ 1 Pm Join our Picket @: The Royal Norwegian Honorary Consulate in Belfast Michael F. Ewing’s Shipping Ltd. l5-l9 Corporation Square Belfast BTl 3AJ Please bring Friends, Banners and Noise...