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  1. S

    No More Deaths on Our Streets Protest Rally 26/11

    how boring.. I may have a nordy accent but Im no armani suit ceasefire soldier.... I have never have been a member of sinn fein.... much thanks for your interest though it shows you really care diddums.. getting tedious now.. for the hard of thinking part 2 I only highlighted the stamp...
  2. S

    No More Deaths on Our Streets Protest Rally 26/11

    Jaysus.. are u for real... once more... :rolleyes: !bing continues: !bing feck political agendas.. house the homeless... you know you really want to... the...
  3. S

    No More Deaths on Our Streets Protest Rally 26/11

    Stamp duty is for private sales. There is no stamp duty on government sales of property because the government are making profits already in anticipation of being out of office........ If I wanted to bitch and moan about money that should go towards services for homeless people I'd be inclined...
  4. S

    No More Deaths on Our Streets Protest Rally 26/11

    No More Deaths on Our Streets Protest Rally Saturday 26 November 3pm Assemble @ Garden Of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin A number of developers are expected to bid for the 2.05-acre former UCD Veterinary College, which fronts on to both Pembroke Road and Shelbourne Road, and...
  5. S

    Solidarity With Ungdomshuset

    bumpity bump..
  6. S

    Pitstop Ploughshares Update...

    Thats exactly my point... individuals have been down showing solidarity when they could.. Brand name lefty groups such as arswippys, sp, sf (if they count as lefty) etc etc.. have been conspicous by their absence.. Feckin disgrace when they maintain they are allegedly anti-war etc.. feckin...
  7. S

    Pitstop Ploughshares Update...

    Would be cool if people were free on Friday that they could come down on Friday to show some support... What has been interesting so far is the complete absence of certain so called 'left' organisations supporting the 5 by any acts of solidarity on an organisational level or indeed a personal...
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    Pitstop Ploughshares Update...

    gonna head back down there now to hear the craic and hopefully celebrate the news.. details sketchy at mo.. more up to date info @
  9. S

    Pitstop Ploughshares Update...

    Trial has collapsed. Possible retrial in 6 months... (",)
  10. S

    Pitstop Ploughshares Update

    Trial has collapsed. Possible retrial in 6 months... (",)
  11. S

    Black Catholics

    my mistake! I was talking to a new zealander! they were from Dublin Doh!
  12. S

    Black Catholics

    Freaky! :eek: Was just hearing about them last night from someone who knew them well! They were from New Zealand and I will get more info for ya asap..
  13. S

    Founder of the Crips to be Executed

    The cultural significance of Stan Tookie Williams alone is huge, even if I believed in the death penalty (which I don't) I would let this man live out his years. His anti-gang work during his 26 1/2 years in prison has been huge, for this reason alone I would be comfortable paroling him now...
  14. S

    Terence Wheelock, murdered by the Gardai

    SO... is that the way things are that the Guards/State can murder people without recourse... Is that the way things are that me or you could end up " recieving attention" The whole thing stinks.... Having spoke to the family I can confirm that they will continue to struggle for the...
  15. S

    follow up to last weeks deportations

    There in lies the problem.. The state has a habit of unannounced deportations.. Generally one can guess by the amount of people that are asked to report on a certain day.. I and others will post the latest info here and on Indymedia as and when we get it.. If you are interested in getting...
  16. S

    follow up to last weeks deportations

    GNIB Video 18/10/05
  17. S

    Justice for Terence Wheelock

    The family of Terence Wheelock are seeking a full independent public inquiry into his death which occurred as a result of injuries sustained in Garda custody.The family of Terence Wheelock are holding a vigil outside Store Street Garda station on 29th of October. They are looking for as much...
  18. S

    Chilean Solidarity Night 20/9/05

    Fair Play to all those who made a successful and beneficial night.. I luv ya really w!;)
  19. S

    Urgent: Deportations Today!

    I have film footage from the blockade etc that will be going up onto indymedia later.. was dissapointing the numbers that turned up... but big respect to the heads who did the next anti-deportation actions have to be bigger no deportations!