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  1. mr.blueface

    charity gigs turn to shit

    haha, was harldy a kodac moment!!
  2. mr.blueface

    CSI roolz

    go on spoil it!! me nerves are bleedin shot with the excitement!!hehe
  3. mr.blueface

    charity gigs turn to shit

    your joking right? all i was trying to get tru was that its BAD FUCKIN FORM to fuck things up for ppl, and to threaten to stabb ppl whn all there doin is plaYing a gig, would you like someone taking a pic of u been held up?:confused:
  4. mr.blueface

    charity gigs turn to shit

    charity gig in the annesley house ended in machete being thrown round and ppl getting bottled and knifes pulled on fuckin 18 yr olds only thing that he did was play in a band! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  5. mr.blueface

    CSI roolz

    was he as himself?? did they ask "who are you"?? ZINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG
  6. mr.blueface

    john wayne

    bat man!!! ya wouldnt catch the duke in tights!! the searchers is great ,also the sons of katie elder!!
  7. mr.blueface

    john wayne

    i just got into him couple months ago, so maybe its a fad(up to 15 dvd's now) john fords stuff is the best!! but i gotta love the fact that its raw in a way,just telling a story!! no CG images, kinda refreshing in someways, or maybe there just goood stoner films,
  8. mr.blueface

    CSI roolz

    i agree, the other were pure shite, i was mad into csi for bout a month bout loads of dvds then just completely went off them!! i was watching 3 a night! so i ruined it for myself!! anyone want to but csi vegas dvd's?
  9. mr.blueface

    john wayne

    does anyone else here loooooove john wayne??
  10. mr.blueface

    Casino Royale

    iprobably would have loved james bond, but it was pierce that ruined it for me, i truly cant understand how he is still acting,!! he has the acting skills of a statue!
  11. mr.blueface

    Commando is on Sky One now.

    "please dont disturb my friend....he's dead tired!"
  12. mr.blueface

    Trailer Park Boys on DVD

    "i know i come across as hard as fuck all the time..."
  13. mr.blueface

    Trailer Park Boys on DVD

    knowww wha ...know wha....know wha, sayyyying!!!!
  14. mr.blueface

    Photos from the scene

    i wish i had a skylight in my room!! poxy sterotype windows
  15. mr.blueface


    live and kicking back in the day! hahaha "now the lines are closed"
  16. mr.blueface


    dont phone its just for fun!!
  17. mr.blueface


    jeaaaaazus , you wouldnt even ask me! i know well how to do them!
  18. mr.blueface


    notice how the shit sticks to the air!!!
  19. mr.blueface


    looks like they got to you!! theyve turned you against us! "birds of a shit-feather flock together"
  20. mr.blueface


    his ma call the cops on them, " excuse me garda, but theres magpies on our roof again, and there planting one bags of speed in my sons room!"