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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    "emo" kids

    My sister told me this joke: "I wish I had emo hair, at least then it would cut itself"
  2. timbot

    "emo" kids Jeez Froog, I am surprised at your lack of knowledge. You probably think of them as "Paul rats"
  3. timbot

    Okay, Pitchfork is annoying but...

    Hahaha, well, I won't give up the day job for a place at the Onion. (But a job at the Onion AV Club - that would be great!)
  4. timbot

    Okay, Pitchfork is annoying but...

    More of the same from the democratic party. Despite the attempt to shake things up with a new frontman this emerges as another solid, if uninspired, album from the Democratic party (cool name guys). Have you heard of Wolf Parade though...?
  5. timbot

    Okay, Pitchfork is annoying but...

    Hahahaha, at least we dont get paid a shitload for our opinions...
  6. timbot

    Okay, Pitchfork is annoying but...

    I imagine that with Bitchfork they take aim at some band that they are not likely to encounter some time later. Overwritten nonsense most of the time (I quite like the Resonant Frequency columns though)
  7. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails

    I wonder if we started a petition could we get him banned from the streets? Or could you get a restraining order on him so that he cant come close enough to mouth obscentities at you?
  8. timbot

    I have the horn for...

    Kelly McDonald
  9. timbot

    I have the horn for...

  10. timbot

    Reality Check Thread

    Time makes fools of us all
  11. timbot

    Song meanings

    But the Venn diagram of song themes shows oh too few in the intersection...
  12. timbot

    Paddy Casey-Share your thoughts...

    Thats what I thought when I read the title as well. Surely Paddy Casey is the last person that people want sharing his thoughts on a thread about Paddy Casey...?
  13. timbot

    Rise of The Machines

    Sweet!!! Then I really will be Timbot...
  14. timbot

    Song meanings

    I thought the guy raped his wife and Phil Collins came home and he ran out the door and fell into a pool and Phil watched him drown and then he bought the body on stage for a weekend at Bernies type scenario the next time that he played live. Its all there in that third drum hit people...
  15. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails

    Seriously...?! What an arsehole.
  16. timbot

    Song meanings

    Off topic a little but I always like when you are reading a book for the first time and listening to an album for the first time and the 2 mesh in your head. Anyone else get this?
  17. timbot

    [Sunday Business Post] Irish music industry hit by downloading

    I know and agree, it strikes me that where Record Labels are negotiating in a room then MGM or Universal is going to have much more clout than Leaf or Planet Mu or whatever. So the deal may be to allocate the total pot by ratio of d/l rather than each user paying towards their favourite artist...
  18. timbot

    [Sunday Business Post] Irish music industry hit by downloading

    Given that in the past record companies have sued an 8 year old girl for d/ling the Barnie theme song then I think they would be ready, willing and able to prove it in court. Sure all you have to do as a prosecutor is take out an account with an ISP, d/l something off UTorrent and hey presto! -...
  19. timbot

    [Sunday Business Post] Irish music industry hit by downloading

    While I agree I would like to see how the money is actually distributed. Is it per artist that you d/l or is it split % wise between the artists depending on the d/l ratio? I would much prefer that my €20 a month go to the people I am actually d/ling than 20% to U2, Coldplay, etc...