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  • Before: Sep 8, 2009
  • Users: corksongs
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  1. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    yeah but you'll still be 2 or 3 players short of a full team
  2. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    ha h, i'd say there's gonna be some chopping and changing yet i've a beermat with drunken scribbles from last night to use as 'scouting notes'
  3. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    looks good, but I'd be wary of a spurs defender. you're missing three players in gameweek 2 straightaway too
  4. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    here is the playlist of Dead Cool - Aug 4 every tuesday, a whole set of music by dead people barr one person who most people don't know is still alive Aug 4 - Dead Cool @ Pavilion Everybody Here Wants You - Jeff Buckley B-A-B-Y - Carla Thomas As Long As I've Got You - The Charmels Four -...
  5. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    also, (not trying to sound like a know-it all) but have make sure you have a look at game week two yet? from another board I'm on, I've noticed that every team posted so far has at least 3 (usually 4 or 5) players who are not playing in gameweek 2, so that's already hamstringing yerself to have...
  6. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    he's played at the top of the diamond in every match so far
  7. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    they do, but at higher cost 5 defenders averaging 5 points a game would be achieveable with 35million or less 5 midfielders doing the same would be 40+ (in my opinion anyway) that extra 5 million to spread on strikers would be dead handy
  8. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    5-4-1 all the way motherfrooger defenders get 4 points for clean sheets strikers get 4 points for scoring a goal it is way easier to pick a defender who has a chance of keeping a clean sheet than a striker who will score a goal in any particular weekend two defenders at 5.5 are the price of...
  9. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    here is the playlist of Dead Cool - July 28 every tuesday, a whole set of music by dead people nice crowd in tonight, in the mood for dancing for the last hour No Rain - Blind Melon Stranger In My Own Home Town - Elvis Presley Here Comes The Rooster - Alice In Chains Yamamoto Kakapote -...
  10. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    jez, no worries Franco like Roy Keane, I was protesting too much errah it's really sad the club has to fold, but this isn't an overnight problem it's been on the cards for ages
  11. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    too soon, the wound still hasn't even started to scab over...
  12. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    'they got it now robbie' good ones, keepign meaning to pull my stuff together and do a dead cool in dublin, will keep ya posted
  13. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    cheers for the tips this is a great one for splitting hairs but I stick to prominent/main people on the records, (with the exception of people who died in recent weeks) so for instance birthday part and lush don't make the cut (as with all my rules they are subject to change)
  14. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    heya in the interest of balance, i'd like to show you the most recent bit of feedback i got come along some tuesday night to make up your own mind, please note he's such a big man, that he didn't put his name to it
  15. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    for malbranque, I'm reading richardson english player always more likely to get the bonus points from the old pros and if memory serves richardson was the main free kick taker, also he might be a dark horse for an english world cup place etc
  16. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    i'd suggest distin at 5 for portsmouth now, it looks like he'll move to villa., his value will increase then I reckon if he doesn't transfer you can get rid of him before gameweek 1 anyway
  17. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    i reckon doyle for wolves is a sure getter only player with a bit of pedigree in wolves squad defo gonna start all the games where possible so there's 80 points sitting to be collected allow for ten goal, that's 40 points not bad for a third choice player and my formation tip? start with...
  18. corksongs

    Under Cover

    heya i'm trying out a new night called Under Cover, where I only play records that are cover versions it'll be starting about half nine, tomorrow Fri 17 July, in Courtyard Bar (next to Cubins) which is in Cork free in, so if you fancy trying out a new watering hole call on down if you've any...
  19. corksongs

    10 weird ways to distribute music

    where woudl one go to buy one of these?
  20. corksongs

    Bands Named After Songs?

    i named my band after the arab strap song "girls of summer" but it turns ou me and the bass player actually meant "new birds" but were too drunk to realise our mistake until it was too late