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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    I'm going to buy a record player...................

    Can you post a link to this article? Thanks Dudley
  2. Burgerbarbaby


    Depressing reading. Well loads of OTHER stuff has changed in that time, even if I haven't got my back fixed up.
  3. Burgerbarbaby


    Hey. No, no running at all sadly. I had a work injury to my back so I had to knock it off. I was up to 14 mile runs a couple of times a week, I LOVED it. I intend to do it again but I'm too busy at the moment (and for the foreseeable future) to do the several hours of physio a day to get my back...
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    I've found that useful a few times alright, but there's a bit of a caveat emptor...I've found some sellers off-discogs won't allow PayPal payment. This sets alarm bells ringing, the security of PayPal for small transactions is brilliant.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    Be thankful for small mercies :)
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    Purchaser here - There was discussion on the forums about this a few years ago. There were differing opinions, but there were a few sellers who mentioned always leaving feedback directly after the purchaser had paid, as the purchaser's part of the bargain was done at that point. I've noticed...
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    Awesome! Photo is still on the wall in the homestead
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    General election 2020

  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Major Complaints Thread

    Your story is great. Had a similar thing with a landlord in Cabra one time many years ago, got fucked for the deposit, We took him to the small claims court, won, he never paid us. We hadn't clue what to do about that at the time, none of us had money for solicitors. I also had dealings with a...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Unpopular Opinions

    Awesome. I got a few of the basic training projects done, but nothing I actually wanted. Zackly. Kids should learn it in school. Defo hard for your average forty-something to crack though, time and energy being scarce commodities at this age.
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Unpopular Opinions

    No, he wants to get it done. Just jas a busy job and two kids. Some of the doing (as far as I've got anyway) is absorbing. Some is fairly arduous. But there are lots of projects where you can download the entire code and not bother with any of that.
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Unpopular Opinions

    A friend of mine is half way through making an 80's style pub space invaders table for his kids, got the cabinet made and half the programming done before he stalled. It's doable!
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Unpopular Opinions

    Speaking of smart stuff, have any of you tried Arduino or Raspberry Pi? I got an Arduino a couple of years ago, it was great to figure it out. I didn't have the time to get very far but it was cool to see what the possibilities are. The programming looked simple but typos really frustrated me...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Things I should have known before now...

    I've got an old Huawei, it's working on this. As a matter of fact the above full stop was typed with this very method.
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Things I should have known before now...

    When texting, if you press space twice on your phone you get a full stop and a space. I'm imagining everyone else in the world knows this, but still. Revolutionary around here.
  17. Burgerbarbaby


    The dawning realisation in the Tory party that they have strongly overplayed their hand, and misread everyone else's cards is quite something to watch. Is it too much to hope for that they burn Johnson, Gove and Cummings, and the rest of that mutant cabinet, crown Tom Tugendhat and try to forget...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Happy Birthday, Squiggle

    Hooray! Happy birthday Squiggle!
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Suicide tho, defo bonus points for that. I think Heartbeat City is one of the greatest singles ever made. Kinda mediocre band after that. Maybe they were one of those "you had to be there" bands.