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  1. ICUH8N

    anyone know how to put together (easily) a flash mp3 player?

    this one works pretty well.
  2. ICUH8N

    joanna newsom on the radio

    Also, Smog might kick your ass.
  3. ICUH8N

    You Tube

    I just love the fact that he shares a smoke with his dad at the end. Great bodypoppin' too *robots
  4. ICUH8N

    You Tube

    Little Superstar
  5. ICUH8N

    hangover cure stat

    I heard you can buy a magic ring from an internet (if you live near one) that wards off evil, also hangovers. Has anyone tried this? I tried the peanut cure, Lefterz. I think mine had been cooked in oil, though. Disaster. Tasty disaster.
  6. ICUH8N

    hangover cure stat

    Saline drip at body temperature will sort you right out.
  7. ICUH8N

    Bruce Willis Appreciation thread..

    You know what to do.
  8. ICUH8N

    Bruce Willis Appreciation thread..

    I have a theory (unsupported, of course) that Bruce Willis was made to look like a highly idealised Luc Besson. They left out the gut, though. Gary Oldman and his hair/perspex hat hybrid was the star for me.
  9. ICUH8N

    Bruce Willis Appreciation thread..

    damn right. Anyone near the 'sloe that could check this out?
  10. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 222

    The Fall do "Blindness" on Jools Holland. Ignore the end of Mr Plant...
  11. ICUH8N

    WHO IS THIS MAN!!???!!

    I want to shoot that guy in the face.
  12. ICUH8N

    post your baby picture

    mail it over and I'll host it for you, you stammering amateur.
  13. ICUH8N

    pepsi max cappucino

    tastes like burning.
  14. ICUH8N

    spots? at my age?

    I'm trying to imagine an even angrier ramps. Nope. Not possible.
  15. ICUH8N


    *is disappointed Twister was on TV last night too. Those RTÉ guys, such big kidders.
  16. ICUH8N

    Hey Pete

    You could probably cobble together a greasemonkey script that completely hides the user(s) in question's posts, but really, ask yourself if it's worth it.
  17. ICUH8N

    Why do women hate captain Beefheart!?

    Ridiculous. Anyone who can't appreciate "sure 'nuff 'n yes I do" has strayed from the path of soundness as far as I'm concerned.
  18. ICUH8N


    Turn the lights off, crank up some Coil, wait for soul-freezing terror to kick in.
  19. ICUH8N


    It's like the world is ending here (Southside) Sounds a lot faster than 50mph, but what do I know *cowers
  20. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 222
