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  1. ICUH8N

    Red Stage Lights/Blown Out Faces

    I highly doubt that red spotlighting is throwing off your meter, it's far more likely that your meter's being fooled by all the blacky blackness around it on the stage, especially if it's set to averaging mode/doing some sort of snazzy matrix metering where it looks at the whole scene; it sees...
  2. ICUH8N


  3. ICUH8N


    Cheddar, Pickled onions, gherkins, some sort of pickle or relish, tomatoes, scallions.
  4. ICUH8N

    NCAD - Fine art?

    Bullllllllllshit. It's about about filling one's "intellectual toolbox", being in a creative environment, networking, being exposed to other people who have similar ideas to you and completely different ideas to you, and it's also about learning. Pointing at a few artists and saying "they said...
  5. ICUH8N

    Underrated films/ Post your film poster of it here

    Lone star is amazing. Haven't seen the secret of Roan Inis, but wanna check it out, heard the haskell wexler photography is goood.
  6. ICUH8N

    getting rid of a cold

    too much paracetamol = liver damage. Horrible.
  7. ICUH8N


    It's displayed at the bottom of each forum, on the right-hand side, beside "Currently Active Users"
  8. ICUH8N

    Plea to have the injustice/censorship/hand wring boredom thread renamed

    I have no interest in contacting anyone about anything, and I don't threaten people on the internets. I'd just much rather people solved their problems (and practically speaking, the easiest way to do that would be to complain to the people who pay for your internet access between 9 and 5)...
  9. ICUH8N

    Poster Thread.

    Thread needs more Saul Bass. Kthx.
  10. ICUH8N

    Pervez Musharraf on the Daily Show

    Part 1 Part 2 I still haven't reconciled myself to the notion that serving heads of state appear on comedy shows to promote their books, and shoot the breeze.
  11. ICUH8N

    NCAD - Fine art?

    You love it, slag.
  12. ICUH8N

    Plea to have the injustice/censorship/hand wring boredom thread renamed

    Tread softly, for y- Wait, never mind.
  13. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 223

    Rare Exports Where Father Christmas really comes from.
  14. ICUH8N

    injustice/censorship/hand-wringing boredom thread

    Think of this thread as the final resting place for your off-topic musings in the photography forum. There's not much point in deleting any of this stuff, as it'll just result in more bleating, so here it is for all to see, and for none to post in. I'm sure we'll be adding to it periodically...
  15. ICUH8N

    ATP dilemmas

    Can we have an ATP ticket sticky?
  16. ICUH8N

    NCAD - Fine art?

    Johnny Nice Painter!
  17. ICUH8N

    How many friends do you have?

    Will you be ma fren, dip?
  18. ICUH8N

    Cycling/Bicycle People...??

    Vibration from improperly adjusted pads innit. You can "toe them in" (point the front of the shoes slightly in towards the rim, as opposed to perfectly parallel) and that should do you. Or get those stammering amateurs at the bike rack to do it for you.