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  • Before: Feb 17, 2005
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    J Church - gigs in November(?)

    mc moley and big j declare war on big daddy g and crew. we are the originals...this is our turf. word
  2. mc moley

    Justin Barratt Attacked

    obviously there are two sides of the story: as in he's got the right to speak and all that, and now as a result of the afa he's landed himself some extra media....but i think it just furthermore highlights the fact that he's a twat. i think its cool what they did and might prevent others like...
  3. mc moley

    Justin Barratt Attacked

    is there any pics or anything like that?
  4. mc moley

    J Church - gigs in November(?)

    holy shit i just got upped to 21 im fucking extatic!! thanks guys it means alot!!
  5. mc moley

    Anyone love Boris Belony zine?!?

    stephen, isnt there a letter from jake in noreen's room? or was that something else? it was in a frame or hanging up, cant really remember all to well.
  6. mc moley

    J Church - gigs in November(?)

    damn right we play a nasty symphony in e minor! on another note: ive realised ive gotten addicted to this site, its all the free college internet!! its starting to get to me too.... ive noticed my fall from grace; as i used to have 17 punk points and now i only have 14....the sad part is i felt...
  7. mc moley

    J Church - gigs in November(?)

    damian in accordance with mcd have confirmed that langdon bach will be playing both dates. yippee!
  8. mc moley

    ALL MUSIC NERDS! (especially steve blunt) GO TO THIS AMAZING SITE!

    you leave him alone, its hard enough to lure him out to the coolie! we havnt practiced in two weeks and we've been writing the same fucking song for months now!! oh ross where did we go wrong? first the mullet then the one strap bag!!!!
  9. mc moley

    OXES, Tuesday 5th Oct.

    imagine an online breakup? nasty
  10. mc moley

    you are gonna cream yourselves over this one...

    i'd like to see the souls but i aint paying 20 odd squids! f that
  11. mc moley

    FYI Beginner punk drummers

    kendo could win that!
  12. mc moley

    New Loserdom zine out today!

    got it yesterday.....great stuff. havnt finished it yet. but nice work!!!
  13. mc moley

    anybody want a bike?

    he's too cool for me now. i gave him a half finished bogul and told him to do his parts, he then proceeded to rip it up, throw it in my face and say ''dude im not into that punk stuff any more. i grew outta all that since i started going to ucd mannn. im off to get a mocca with the lads.'' then...
  14. mc moley

    Kilcoole celebrates October!!

    speaking of shirts!!!!anybody find an old operation ivy shirt at a lower deck gig? it means loads to me and i want it back
  15. mc moley

    Kilcoole celebrates October!!

    seeing as its gonna be oct i thought i might as well celebrate. so here are a few gigs that'll be going on in the small room (paddy's hall) 0ct 10th CAN KICKERS (USA) PINE HILL HAINTS (USA) ALMOST CLICHE (new young band from kilcoole/greystones area) + more tbc OCt 25th Los Fastidos...
  16. mc moley

    actually straight edge nazi

    caught wanking aparently!
  17. mc moley

    so back to college time!!!

    i remember that video phill, did they show the football stadium on fire thing?
  18. mc moley

    lost: Red bag full of leads and mics.

    hey just wondeing if anyone at the thieving liars gigs last month knows where a red bag full of leads and mics went to. its got all of our stuff in it and means we cant properly record bands etc etc etc. so if ya know where it is can yez let me know...thanks very much. dar
  19. mc moley

    25th SEPTEMBER all ages!! city arts centre gig

    Re: CCA stencils so is there gonna be another 'crew war' between weelers possy and us kilcoole folk? he he he.... any new songs weeler?
  20. mc moley

    Rick Ta Life

    dont know but his tats arent