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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    i always like abit of Shiny Happy People to cheer myself up. and to bum me out, that other REM song...the one about doing yourself in...what's it called... Fade to Black.
  2. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    what songs?!?!? in what categories?!?!?! you're inFURiating!!!!!!
  3. Lord Damian

    check out the size of this bastard

    weird - i just finished reading The Two Towers at lunch - the Shelob bit. was gonna tell you to trim those nails Pete...but...yeahhhhh...nevermind.
  4. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    aside from Lunatic Fringe, that has to be the shittest collection of songs ever put on a soundtrack ever.
  5. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    acid, yeah?
  6. Lord Damian

    A spot of morbid reading

    197 White 141 Black 63 Hispanic 2 Other i exported to excel and summed. because i'm a bit touched.
  7. Lord Damian

    A spot of morbid reading

    you got that right. particularly horrible are the ones that end with some variation of "i love you mom". could you imagine??
  8. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    please to never mention that woman in any thread i'm involved in again. aggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  9. Lord Damian

    A spot of morbid reading

    saw that site too. stuff like fried chicken, chocolate milk and ice cream. it makes you remember that these cats were all once just innocent little boys who didn't realize at the time that they didn't stand a chance. heartbreaking is an understatement.
  10. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    where are you from? i didn't think anyone outside canada would have ever heard this song.
  11. Lord Damian

    A spot of morbid reading

    surreal. fucking surreal.
  12. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    i think i'm a bit allergic to the cats, actually. i'm always itchy-eyed and stuffed-up at home. and isn't there some toxin in their shit that's dangerous to human females or something? why anybody keeps these things around is honestly beyond me. cute when they're kittens, yes. aloof fuckheads...
  13. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    i think what this thread has made me realize is that i need a new girlfriend. thanks guys!
  14. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    there's her weekend gone. you said it.
  15. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    OH! another thing they're great for... finding mice and leaving them dead on the staircase so you can find them on the way to the john in the middle of the night. With your bare foot...
  16. Lord Damian

    favourite drop-d riffs

    Cinnamon Girl is also in drop d too, no? or does that preclude tuning the high E string down to D as well? anybody remember Days of the New? no, neither do i.
  17. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    i'm not sure what she uses, but she's concious of their health and "feelings", so i'm sure it's something natural. we tried the change-the-litter trick to no avail. yeah, that's what i figure, i'm trying to determine what the problem is so i can rectify it. PS - 5000th post. talking about...
  18. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    they started it!
  19. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    that's no life for a human being. but if that's what it takes, then maybe i'll put my foot down.
  20. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    yeah, every 3 days, and not by me. problem is if i ask the g/f to start cleaning them out every two days or even daily i'd likely end up in one of the fucking things. we have two boys and a girl. the whole time i figured it was one of the boys...but maybe our girl has the same problem.