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  • Before: Jan 10, 2008
  • Users: kavanelli
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  1. kavanelli

    RoL New Single
  2. kavanelli

    Your favourite tv show from when you were a kid

    H.R. Puffnstuff Hong Kong Phooey Runaround Automan
  3. kavanelli


    They played in Oxegen Last year, and they where fantastic. Can't stop playing Ghost is born and have been for a few months now.
  4. kavanelli

    Anyone here work for Yahoo! in Dublin?

    Yeah a mate of mine works there. Why?
  5. kavanelli

    Worst joke competition!

    A is walking down the street when he sees a homeless guy sitting on a step singing "Dreamer, nothing but a Dreamer" And the mans says Supertramp. And the homeless guy says "Thanks" !cheezy !cheezy !cheezy !cheezy