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  • Before: Dec 15, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    Skate Parks and Skate Shops - Dublin Area

    get the 184 from greystones, it goes through charlesland and turns at the roundabout (where superquinn is) usually, get off there and walk up the hill following directions for jackie skellys gym, its just behind that and the astro turfs. its free and the board room (the skate/bike shop) often...
  2. R

    Nabbing stuff left outside charity shops

    generally unsold stuff goes to a warehouse in dublin, then is distributed to other branches around the country. but where i am i'd say we get about 20-30 sacks of stuff everday, we'd probably have to throw out more than half, cos people are manky.
  3. R

    why mac

    is it worth waiting until the end of october to get the new model macbook? im gettin one for graphics/music/video editing. (i kinda want it sooner than october cos i start college in 2 weeks.) i find it really annoying how digital cameras appear to be ahead of computers. my family got a new...
  4. R

    Nabbing stuff left outside charity shops

    i volunteer in a charity shop. when i work with the old wagons there, they take all around them, even tho the majority of them are rich dalkey widows. its kinda frustrating, but not as bad as people who sheepishly leave 5 refuse sacks inside the door and run out, only for us to open them up and...
  5. R

    wanted: microkorg

    i know i know, its the michelle effect... *dies alone, covered in cat piss* come on guys! its a recession, sell your synths!
  6. R

    wanted: microkorg

    I would love to be in a band with you cormco!
  7. R

    wanted: microkorg

    hey, wondering if anyone is thinking of selling theirs. price negotiable....:)
  8. R

    Worst band names

    agree with nearly all of those + the boy you hit is dead and integrity. likes: soldiers take half, easpa measa, baroness, orchid (absolute favourite band name ever), catharsis, amanda woodward, jesu, his hero is gone and husker du don't like: artic monkeys is such a shit name, forging...
  9. R


    (I know there was a thread previously made but I mysteriously can't find it.) I've wanted to get a longboard for ages and now i live in the land of tarmac and big hills. someone told me skate city was the place to go, but i'm not sure. has anyone attempted to assemble their own? if i'm buying a...
  10. R

    100% unofficial leaving cert thread

    i should hope so.:)
  11. R

    100% unofficial leaving cert thread

    no. im doing art. actually in all honesty, my english exam went terrible, despite an A average for the past 2 years, i was so nervous those first few days i wasn't able to pen to paper until well into the exam. so im dreading seeing that result. in other news i appear to be recieving hourly...
  12. R

    8 / 08 /08 THE ASSASSINATORS, KIDD BLUNT + more (bohs bar, dublin)

    good gig, esp air guitar to "prepose follows"! and the assasinators were class
  13. R

    8 / 08 /08 THE ASSASSINATORS, KIDD BLUNT + more (bohs bar, dublin)

    can't wait! eees gonna be a goooood geeeeg
  14. R

    summer heights high

    the "she's a naughty girl with a bad habit" was remixed, the dance version becoming number one in the oz charts. E E E E ECSTASY!
  15. R

    Surfing in eire stayed with them, lovely lads altogether, if ya go midweek it'll be nice and quiet. im thinkin next summer i'll try work in one of these places and surf.. has anyone ever done that before?
  16. R

    I got me tickets for The Dark Knight!

    my favourite bit was
  17. R

    Jaysus cycling!

    oh i didn't realise "messenger" was a brand name. god they are fairly expensive. I think I might make my own or just rob a HeraldAM one...
  18. R

    Venetian Snares this thurs (july 10) more info

    RAGING didn't hear about this until I was on the train to wick and glanced at a herald am. murder. MURDER. MUUUUURDER.
  19. R

    Jaysus cycling!

    does anyone know where i can get decent rain trousers and mack, that are easy to cycle in? i've came home looking like a stewed rat 3 times this week... and what place has the best selection of messenger/pannier bags? i need a large waterproof one for my A3 sketchpads
  20. R

    lindos are back!

    have you ever had sun blush tomatoes? jesus god and all the rest!! they're to die for