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  1. sweetoblivion

    From Scratch

    I love making things from scratch but I get a bit carried away as I like everything (except cakes, ahem) I make to be pretty healthy (although if you put a Wispa in front of me I'd scoff it in two secs, but them's the breaks) so I spend ages researching recipes and then I just modify things to...
  2. sweetoblivion

    the peak of journalistic endeavor

  3. sweetoblivion

    I need your help - orange chocolate craving

    Health food shops like Nourish in Dublin, her stall at the Temple Bar Food market on Saturdays, and Avoca all stock it :)
  4. sweetoblivion

    the peak of journalistic endeavor

    ...any old shite with a half-arsed idea behind it and expect that it's OK to do that. It's not. It's insulting to yourself and to the reader. And if you say that you're running a 'music magazine' then you should not print that sort of tripe if you want to be taken seriously. *jumps off soapbox*
  5. sweetoblivion

    I need your help - orange chocolate craving

    The raw vegan orange chocolate tarte by Natasha's Living Foods is sooooooo nice. Expensive at 4.99 a slice - but that's the cost of a chocolate bar/treat a day during your working week so you could just avoid shitty chocolate and go for the good stuff. It's so delicious. The mint one is, quite...
  6. sweetoblivion

    the peak of journalistic endeavor

    If you write for an online music publication (ie Drop D calls itself a 'music magazine'), as opposed to just your own personal blog, say, there should be certain standards that you should stick to. There are some good writers on Drop D and some absolute piss takers, and it's a shame the piss...
  7. sweetoblivion


    that's pretty damn awesome like!
  8. sweetoblivion

    Nouveau Vadge The Weekender, Music and Art!!

    ah man I'm in Cork this weekend :( best of luck with it - brilliant idea ladies! fab you're taking part in it La la!!
  9. sweetoblivion

    Good Eats - the best cooking show on TV!!

    I bought an apple corer like the one on that site a the weekend, and a thing of measuring teaspoons as porn is the best.
  10. sweetoblivion

    Mango - sauce/chutney recommendations

    sorry it's actually the spiced one! but i'd say the sweet one is nice too!
  11. sweetoblivion

    Mango - sauce/chutney recommendations

    marks & spencers sweet mango chutney = UNREAL
  12. sweetoblivion

    times for LOW tonight @ ALT

    In case anyone's interested - I put the Low interview I did on my blog with the rest of the transcription that couldn't fit in the printed version :)
  13. sweetoblivion

    Happy Birthday to Dr Winston Umbogo, BonsaiSuperstar on 23rd June 2009

    Happy birthday guys :) A special happy birthday to Bonsai :):heart::heart::heart: