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  • Before: Jul 21, 2021
  • Users: pete
  • With People Who Died thread
  • Content: Threads, Posts
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  1. pete

    People Who Died

  2. pete

    People Who Died

  3. pete

    People Who Died

  4. pete

    People Who Died

    ok now this is just weird... earlier today i was thinking to myself "Was Glynis Barber in Dempsey and Makepeace or The Gentle Touch?"
  5. pete

    People Who Died
  6. pete

    People Who Died

    Tim Brooke-Taylor .
  7. pete

    People Who Died
  8. pete

    People Who Died

  9. pete

    People Who Died

    i guess he knew when to walk away
  10. pete

    People Who Died

  11. pete

    People Who Died

    actual what the fuck
  12. pete

    People Who Died

    Gone too soon. WHY, GOD? WHY?
  13. pete

    People Who Died

    Kirk Douglas
  14. pete

    People Who Died
  15. pete

    People Who Died

    Randy Suess, a computer hobbyist who helped build the first online bulletin board, anticipating the rise of the internet, messaging apps and social media, died on Dec. 10 at a hospital in Chicago. He was 74. His death was confirmed by his daughter Karrie. In late January 1978, Mr. Suess...
  16. pete

    People Who Died
  17. pete

    People Who Died

    Also Clayton Endicott
  18. pete

    People Who Died
  19. pete

    People Who Died

    that was just for you
  20. pete

    People Who Died

    someone i work with tells a story about a neighbour of gay byrne's being neighbourly and inviting gay byrne to a party and gay byrne turning up and being gay byrne and then getting an invoice from gay byrne for gay byrne's appearance fee in the post a couple of weeks later. no idea if it's true...