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  • Users: Gabbo
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  1. Gabbo

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Orphanage. Really liked it. Scared the pants off me in places. Got that feeling that your being chased by monsters on the hill up to my gaff.
  2. Gabbo

    Horrible Musical Instruments

    Ah no, the bagpipes are great. D'ya hear them from a distance? There even better then. My school was near a graveyard and you'd hear them played at funerals. You'd be playing football and you'd look up and go: that's amazing. Dunno about close up though. Bongos are generally played by twats...
  3. Gabbo

    Favourite Screams

    Do guitars count? YouTube - Comets on Fire "The Antlers of the Midnight Sun" LIVE
  4. Gabbo

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    Google holds the key.
  5. Gabbo

    Good man Stephen Ireland...

    What the fuck does it say on the front. I can make out Overfinch. WTF?
  6. Gabbo

    Gigs you're embarrassed about

    Not saying I didn't enjoy them, it's just I'm way cool now. Still have the stubs on my noticeboard.
  7. Gabbo

    Gigs you're embarrassed about

    The Foo Fighters on a few occasions. When they got bad. I had spots.
  8. Gabbo

    Silver Jews, Whelan's, May 16

    AAAGGGHHH!!! New album has been leaked. BAM!
  9. Gabbo

    Pearl Sensitone Steel Snare Fo' Sale

    This now belongs to me. She makes a nice frwang.
  10. Gabbo

    Bored In Work 299

    May have been posted before. I shat myself. YouTube - Drunk Driver falls INTO the Wall
  11. Gabbo

    DVD bargains

    That's amazing. Cheers pete, you endleg.
  12. Gabbo

    Animal Collective

  13. Gabbo

    Man Man- Rabbit Habits

    Leaked on the 11th. Just got it there. Sounds pretty super-dooper! Looking forward to the Whealan's madness.
  14. Gabbo

    Animal Collective

    Gots it.
  15. Gabbo

    Animal Collective

    Where?! Cannot find it.
  16. Gabbo

    What movie did you watch last night?

    About to tuck into The Castle. Laser just got it in on DVD. Saw some of it at ATP two years ago and I nearly split a log.
  17. Gabbo

    Dental help/advice/experiences...

    Did ya ever consider going to the Dublin Dental School & Hospital in Trinity. Get a supervised student to do it. Super savings.
  18. Gabbo

    Bored In Work 299

    Following on from Fred and Sharon's movies
  19. Gabbo

    Portishead - Third

    Same for me anyways.
  20. Gabbo

    Shit Books

    My ma is mad into the birds in the garden so recently its's been this: Actually really interesting.