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  • Users: brianoak
  • Content: Threads
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  1. brianoak

    Bites/Sun burn

    Anyone else covered in them after the weekend? There real itchy and yellow. Also got a tan on one arm and not the other,looks bizarre.
  2. brianoak


    This Sunday.|..| Its only going to be rappeh Anyone else going?
  3. brianoak

    Best QOTSA record

    After much deliberation.....I still cant decide so I will save my vote and sleep on it. edit: It has to rated r
  4. brianoak

    multitrack recording program

    Anyone know of one I can download.I want to layer two guitar tracks a mandolin track and a harmonica track to see what it sounds like but my four track is broke. Is there any programs I can do this on that are small and wont take long to download? Thanks
  5. brianoak

    Bus Conversations

    I know there is sites dedicated to this but how and ever. Was getting the 49 into town last night and there was a lovely lad and lass down the back of the bus having a chat about "the blacks" He said nigger in the conversation at some point and the lovely girl pulled him up and called him a...
  6. brianoak


    Whats the story is it a case of bring your own backline or is it supplied? Cheers
  7. brianoak


    Just to warn yis,Dunnes are selling bikes for 100euro at the moment. This might seem like a bargain but you have to build them yourself and the quality is abismal. We have had a load of them in for repair in the shop here and I can say for definte that these things are dangerous if not...
  8. brianoak

    Another what think ye thread....

    So probably been asked before but waht do you think of one night stands. Like em? hate them? indifferent? Discuss
  9. brianoak


    They are releasing a b-sides and raities cd/dvd.Should be amazing they have done really good duran duran,depeche mode and weezer covers and loads of one-offs that never made any of the records. I for one embrace this release.|..|
  10. brianoak

    Blues vocalist

    Wanted for straight up blues band.Standards and originals.P.M. or mail [email protected]
  11. brianoak

    bating kids

    Do you think you benefited from being slapped when you were a kid?(if you were that is).The kids that come into the shop were I work could do with having the hearts kicked out of them.I would never dare act the way some of them do when I was a kid. Throwing tantrums,pulling shit off display and...
  12. brianoak

    Room wanted

    Any rooms available in Dublin?Preferably south of the soup.Cheap as possible 70/80 euro a week.23 year old male quite affable:)Anyways p.m. me if available
  13. brianoak

    Santiago de Compestella

    Spelling is most likely completely wrong.Anyone ever done it on foot or on a bike?Im thinking of cycling it mid August.
  14. brianoak

    Lovely bass for sale

    Epiphone Thunderbird for sale.Great condition and sounds good.Upgrade is forcing sale.250 euro no offers so please dont bother.I will throw the stickers in for free but they are easy removed and there is only two of them.:) Brian. P.M. me or mail me at [email protected]
  15. brianoak

    Motorway through tara

    So they are allowed go ahead and build the motorway through the valley.This is absolutely ridiculous.Regardless of the fact that the road is going around the hill it will still ruin the place.How anyone aware of the history of Tara and its cultural signifigance to Ireland could go ahead with...
  16. brianoak

    What think ye of the supernatural?

    Anyone ever had any bizarre experiences or believe in ghosts/spirits that type of thing?
  17. brianoak


    So what freaks yis out my personal one would have to be spiders.Not so much the ones in Ireland(not mad on them mind you) but dont think I would rest to easy in a country where this yoke might be waiting for me
  18. brianoak

    Thommann music..anyone bought anything?

    I'm thinking of buying a Bass head off these folks with my just aqquired tax refund:DHas anyone any experience dealing with this company before I go ahead and order the thing?
  19. brianoak

    Ever been robbed on the job?

    Just got a call off my mate there.He was working in Chartbusters in Tallaght last night and a junkie jumped the counter and pulled a syringe on him.My mate legged it down the back of the the store into a corridor and had to defend himself with a fucking bike.The junkie lad kept waving the...
  20. brianoak

    Image on CD

    Does anyone know how much and where I would get one of them machines that press images onto the top of CD's or that burns an image onto them?