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  1. mazzyianne

    Trad Session in Seomra Spraoi

    Urgghhhhhhhhhhhhh It was the same guy again last time was it?? Think volunteers are needed for this, to keep and eye on the gaff and clean up after etc. It's not a bad night to volunteer for, I did the first one, pretty chilled out buzz. Hope someone's setting up the fake fireplace again, a...
  2. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    :D I wish that was the case but unfortunately I dont think so this time. Cheers Buzzo by the way, glad u liked it! On the bright side this has provoked some discussion within rag and we're thinking of having a discussion on the subject in the new year, open to all of course. Maybe we can...
  3. mazzyianne

    Lovely salads

    It's all about the dressing I reckon But mostly mine go something along these lines: Lettuce/rocket/baby spinach Tomatos/grated carrot Cucumber Avocado Loads of seeds (sunflower, pumpkin,sesame,hemp) toated with a bit o soya sauce splashed on during toasting Dressing: Balsamic vinegar Olive...
  4. mazzyianne

    Happy Birthday to nooly on 14th November 2007

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope you're having a good one!!:heart::heart:.|..|
  5. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Ah jaysus! I guess there's no point repeating myself but... What about a magazine about homelessness that only homeless people were allowed to write for? Or a magazine about immigrants written by immigrants? Or about disabled people written by disabled people? Or about the experiences of...
  6. mazzyianne


    My mammy makes great pastry, she reckons keeping it cold is the key, crumble the flour with the butter, add a little water to bind it. Dont do loads of kneading and messing it about with your hands, you'll warm it up too much. Saw one recipe where the guy froze and then grated the butter or...
  7. mazzyianne

    Embarrassingly Addictive Pop Songs

    I love this thread but it's doing nothing for whatever remained of my taste in music.
  8. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    How? Interesting.. Um it is the act of learning i guess but as in the things you pick up along the way, how you're treated and how you're expected to behave. I did psychology for a year back in the day and this experiments with how people treat kids totally stuck with me. The one of the kids...
  9. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    One can be found here I wrote that a good while ago tho...
  10. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

  11. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    It's not like women are incapable of being sexually manipulative. I'm sure Nooly's not saying that. I've had some really cool conversations with men about sex in the last few years. One guy was talking to me about the pressure he feels and has felt towards thinking of being with someone as...
  12. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    I disagree with almost all of this post... There is a men's group starting in seomra spraoi by men who are completely supportive of the need for rag to be women only. If they wrote a magazine I agree with Jane it would be deadly and would make facinating reading and would have nothing to do...
  13. mazzyianne

    breaking a bike lock

    Ste got one to cut that sink in seomra spraoi, he might have left it there. i think he did...
  14. mazzyianne

    Embarrassingly Addictive Pop Songs

    Haha, I have some bizzare photos from that night. I had totally forgotten how hilarious Eoin was, just had some funny flashbacks..
  15. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Cheers, the party was deadly, got home at 7.30 from the post party party... Working tonight.. argh! I'm sleepy now and have 9 hours to go... I guess I find it hard not to take some of the criticisms personally, well, not the criticisms themselves but the way they're expressed. Of course we're...
  16. mazzyianne

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Ah... missed this thread somehow, late night internetting... Um oly I swear I talked to u about this a while ago. Right? The article (as i read it) actually was saying if u feel uncomfortable around a person you should get out of that situation. Like not to worry about offending anyone, just...
  17. mazzyianne

    Rag issue #2 launch

    Sorry for short notice, it got put on general forum but not here, oops... RAG is a Dublin-based anarcha-feminist collective. We just produced the second issue of the RAG magazine. To celebrate we are throwing a party in Seomra Spraoi, 4 Mary's...
  18. mazzyianne

    world bank in dublin

    Break the World Bank Film and Discussion Sunday 4th November 5pm Seomra Spraoi In advance of the upcoming World Bank meeting in Dublin on 12th November there will be an info evening with discussion and a few short movies looking at the role of the World Bank in the spread of...
  19. mazzyianne

    world bank in dublin

    Break the World Bank Film and Discussion Sunday 4th November 5pm Seomra Spraoi In advance of the upcoming World Bank meeting in Dublin on 12th November there will be an info evening with discussion and a few short movies looking at the role of the World Bank in the spread of...