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  1. Ferox13

    25 Incredibly tough movies for extreme viewers

    'It was the first installment of a long-running series concerning the Kommandant of a Nazi prison camp sternly torturing female prisoners in the name of science.' She is only a Nazi in one of the films. There are obviously more extreme or harder to watch films out there - it is hard to tell if...
  2. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Caught the RAID 2 on Thursday - awesome, action packed chopsocky, stab-fu Fest. I enjoyed it more than the first one - even though it ran 150mins I didn't want it to end. Great Film. And I love Batboy and Hammer Girl.
  3. Ferox13

    Need Help with Linux Debian

    I have a Laptop that I use for torrents and sharing my music over my network. It was running XP but I wanted to change that since XP is no longer supported by MS. I thought it was a good opportunity to try out Linux. So I installed 'Linux Mint Debian Edition with Cinnamon Desktop' on it. Its up...
  4. Ferox13

    External hard drives

    Those Mini-Drives can usually work USB only. Does the computer make a noise when it is first plugged in? If so going to Control/Admin Tool/computer management/Disk management, you should be able to see the drive and assign a letter to it (that is on a PC I have no clue for a Mac). I would avoid...
  5. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Very slowly going through some classic Dr Who Arcs. Last night it was an excellent one called The Talons of Weng-Chiang. Baker posed as a Sherlock Holmes type character, there were giant rats, killer midgets and a Celestial Magician...
  6. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Starred Up - Fantastic new Brit prison flick.
  7. Ferox13

    Offered Free Epson Scanner

    Looking to get rid of an Epson Perfection 2480 scanner - it works fine. Last time I checked there was no Windows 7 drivers for it but I did a quick google just now and it looks like there is... PM me for details/collection.
  8. Ferox13

    Free open source operating system, wha?

    you can boot the computer with a live CD with no need to install which might give him an idea about the OS. I heard Knoppix but I have never used it.
  9. Ferox13


    Isn't it always like this for the start of a new generation of gaming systems. It will take awhile for the programers to make full use of the new machines hardware. Look at GTA5/Last of Us compared to the first games from that generation.
  10. Ferox13

    Parker novels

    I just read the first novel, The Hunter which I really enjoyed (I also saw some the film versions -The Outfit/Payback/Parker/Point Blank). I recently just got some comic adaptations of the books by Darwyn Cooke but haven't read them yet.
  11. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Stuart: A Life Backwards (2007) I dunno how this flew under my radar for so long. Fantastic made for TV film about a writer (played by Sherlock Holmes) who comes across a violent, alcoholic homeless man (portrayed wonderfully by Bane) and decides to write his life story. I expected it to be...
  12. Ferox13

    Buying a tablet - recommendations?

    I think I am going for the LG G Pad 8.3. It seems to tick all the boxes for me and 8.3" is big enough to read a full comic book page with out zooming. Gavisom - AFIK you can't use any tablet as a phone unless you are using it for VOIP calls.
  13. Ferox13

    Bluetooth ZX Spectrum

    I get a chance to finish Manic Miner now.
  14. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Pretty incoherent mess about a young couple moving to a town of devil worshipers. Not even tons of nudity and Orson Welles can save this one. Look exactly like a TV movie with a bit of flesh thrown in. Directed by MR B.I.G of Food of the Gods fame.
  15. Ferox13

    Buying a tablet - recommendations?

    Thanks for that info - I kinda feel a bigger screen would be better for comics though. How much of a page can you read comfortable at once on the NExus?
  16. Ferox13

    Buying a tablet - recommendations?

    Was considering getting a Tablet device - mostly for reading comics and watching films (plus the odd bit of web browsing). I am thinking a 10" screen for the .CBRs would be best. I am looking in the €200 price range . I would also like it to accept MicroSD cards. Camera/Video isn't important to...
  17. Ferox13

    Name my WiFi network

    When I set set it up for my Mother I called it 'CLICK HERE MUM'
  18. Ferox13

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    ^I just cringed watching that. Amazing event - lots of KO's. Tate vs Rousey was a barnburner. I was sad of Josh Barnett. And Vitor's haircut was excellent. Uriah Hall looks like the killer we first thought he was.
  19. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Virgin of Nuremberg (1963) Chris Lee, Nazi's, Hooded Maniacs in a spooky castle. More gothic madness by the guy who gave us The Long Hair of Death and Castle of Blood (not quite as good as those 2 but an enjoyable watch all the same).
  20. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Thanks a million for the heads up on this. Watching it because of your post. Excellent so far (just one episode left)...