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  1. pissypants

    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    Suffer the's awful. But still, one of the most overlooked bands of the 80s. Kind of like if Trevor Horn was in XTC....
  2. pissypants

    So, which is the best Siro deal?

    Just FYI we were going to go with SKY as it had deal price to service level ratio. Gave them the nod and they got in touch with Virgin on our request to give the 30 days notice. Virgin have come back with an ever cheaper deal, and we don't have to pay for an installation either as we already use...
  3. pissypants

    PlayStation 5

    Yeah I just read that this morning in a story google pushed to my news feed. So just hang on to current gen camera (get an adaptor) and hang on to a current gen dual shock?
  4. pissypants

    So, which is the best Siro deal?

    Finally Siro arrived on my road. Anybody using it for just fibre broadband? I don't do phone or TV, so not looking for a bundle. Who's the best supplier to go for?
  5. pissypants

    PlayStation 5

    Got mine pre-ordered last week. None of the launch titles particularly float my boat but. Wonder if VR games will look betteragain, like they did with the PS Pro.
  6. pissypants

    NTL / UPC / Virgin Media Broadband

    Anyone looking at Siro for internet these days? Cables have just been run into my estate...
  7. pissypants

    The Boys Season 2

    Deadly. Been looking forward to this. Really liked season 1.
  8. pissypants

    Steam and other videogame bargains someone should buy...

    It starts off a *lot* easier. That's all probably final level shit. Give it a spin. It's fun.
  9. pissypants

    Steam and other videogame bargains someone should buy...

    Enter The Gungeon is free on Epic Games this week. It's an insanely fun twin-stick Rogue-like bullet-hell dungeon crawler. Very very fun. You will die. A lot. Get hit 3 times and it's game over. Then you start from scratch.
  10. pissypants

    Building a music shed

    Well done gaz! 🙌🙌
  11. pissypants

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Ah, ok I get you now. Yeah I was talking the Stallone one. Saw the Karl Urban one too and quite liked it. Thought he would have gotten another. I believe it was a re-write of an Alex Garland script that was set in that real-life turbo tower in South Africa that quickly became overrun with gangs...
  12. pissypants

    thread for old songs with mad videos you'd never seen til now

    That Rhino channel is great. They're a re-issues label but they do such a great job with all the related media.
  13. pissypants

    You know you're getting old....

    I've always wondered - does *he* think his songs are good, or is this just, like, a cash cow or something...
  14. pissypants

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Upgrade (2018) I'd put this one off because I heard it was shite, but it was actually very enjoyable. Also, Tom Hardy has a clone now? The Invitation (2015) - usually this kind of film is completely shite, but this actually has some good performances despite how stupid the circumstances of the...
  15. pissypants

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Jesus, I forgot this movie ever existed, but now I recall unintentionally seeing it in the cinema *twice*. But that was when I was in my "going to the cinema 2/3 times a week" phase.
  16. pissypants

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Becky (2020) Was kind of shit but pretty entertaining anyway. Had it's moments. 5/10
  17. pissypants

    Uh Oh! What's your preferred Hard Drive recovery tool?

    Oh by the way I got all my data back. Thank fuck! 🤘
  18. pissypants

    Uh Oh! What's your preferred Hard Drive recovery tool?

    So to take advantage of their "per computer" rate one would buy a large internal drive?
  19. pissypants

    Uh Oh! What's your preferred Hard Drive recovery tool?

    Sure we've nobody to blame but ourselves, really. I'm going to look into cloud storage, even for just my music making folder. Carbonite is $6 a month for one machine. Just twiddling may be necessary for it to suck up all the files (for some fucking dumb reason it's designed to look for only...