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  1. corksongs

    Under Cover

    cheers for the tips and advice peoples I think i'm doing something in the bernard shaw in 2010 but am up for an Undercover set elsewhere if people are looking
  2. corksongs

    Under Cover

    The Playlist From Under Cover a weekly night where I only playe cover versions on Mondays in The Pavilion on Careys Lane, Cork from 11pm the most unoriginal night in the world.... the records played on Mon 16 Oct, still working out ideal text layout Wichita Lineman played by Friends Of...
  3. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    i can nod sagely and claim some sort of 6th sense my team has come through the week unscathed
  4. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    ...tues Luther Dixon obituary He wrote dozens of hits in the 50s and 60s * Buzz up! * Digg it * Garth Cartwright *, Wednesday 11 November 2009 18.36 GMT * Article history The American...
  5. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    here is the playlist of Dead Cool - Nov 10 every tuesday, a whole set of music by dead people okay last week Mozaik had a fair few requests, this week we had the afters of a fashion show. which funnily enough had a different set of requests than the previous week Addicted To Love - Robert...
  6. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    maybe you'll need to ask them for a perma band
  7. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    dose, froog will you start to post yer transfers on a friday so we can do the opposite?
  8. corksongs

    Under Cover

    Here's the playlist from Nov 9 THE MOST UNORIGINAL IDEA IN THE WORLD - playing only covers good crowd too, lot of HMV staff waiting to sell the call of duty game at midnight bit of a bobo with the rolf harris reworking of 2 little boys, but sure no one died (on that note, be very careful...
  9. corksongs

    Under Cover

    Here's the playlist from Nov 2 THE MOST UNORIGINAL IDEA IN THE WORLD - playing only covers a load of requests on Monday, brilliant fun i don't know how I ended up playing both The Coors & Aslan at end of night, seemed a good idea at the time Ghost Town [Isso Nao Da] - Zeep Get The Party...
  10. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    here is the playlist of Dead Cool - Nov 3 every tuesday, a whole set of music by dead people great film festival, craic. a few songs with a movie twist think the whole nigght was pretty much requests the mozaik lads had a few requests towards at the end spot the lunny, irvine and molsky...
  11. corksongs

    atp Nightmare Before Christmas curated by My Bloody Valentine

    i'm looking for a price for a 14 or so seater so i'll keep ya posted cheers r
  12. corksongs

    people in dublinwho like free beer and music puns

    any dublin based people at a loose end tomorrow or Thursday night? I'm ringo: music bingoing in the Odessa on Wed and The Bernard Shaw on Thurs, both from 8.30pm, both free to go to and win free boozy action. Text me and I'll put ya on the guestlist...
  13. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    i'd say hell be on the bench against bolton i can see wellbeck starting with owen coming on brave man making transfers on a thursday last minute friday is my usual spot but i am meeting the pundit tomorrow tonight for scoops so let's see it i get any titbits
  14. corksongs

    Thumped Fantasy Footie 09/10

    yeah liverpool look to be in trouble with sunderland this weekend with torres, gerrard and kuyt all picking up knocks and andy reid fully rested....
  15. corksongs

    Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space re-issue

    saw the gig last night in London it was just brilliant, it's been 7 or 8 years since i've beeen blown away by a band like that if anyone is humming and hawing about going I urge you to go
  16. corksongs

    dirty 3 (nov 12)

    a) I think they are brilliant b) why are you going on threads about bands you don't like to say you don't like them?
  17. corksongs

    Richmond Fontaine

    saw them at End Of The Road a few weeks ago best I've ever seen them and his new book is just absolutely outstanding,
  18. corksongs

    JONATHAN RICHMAN - The Village - Tue 6th Oct

    to be honest and candid, and I am certainly not speaking on behalf of either of the 2 (seperate) promoters who had me on the bill, i think his agents are just too overprotective having met jonathan (i'm allowed call him my his first name, cos I like, you know, know him man) is very interested...
  19. corksongs

    JONATHAN RICHMAN - The Village - Tue 6th Oct

    I've supported him the last two times he played Cork including 2 days ago
  20. corksongs

    Dead Cool - Tuesdays Nights Late At The Pavilion

    double reason to play some Nick Drake In his first year as a music student at Cambridge University, Robert Kirby sought to join Footlights, the undergraduates' fabled arts and drama club. He was turned down, but the events of...