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  1. Burgerbarbaby


    Piers Morgan basically repeated what the first dude said. He is a boiled dick, down to the last twist of his shameful DNA. Sarkar is exactly right. Your Green story is brilliant. I searched for "Tree Shepherd", not much out there. I guess natural selection got him or something I HATE how...
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Holy shit! :) First Throbbing Gristle and now this! Sacred cows falling like flies!
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Get me started. Or not.

    That's really super, thank you...all new information to me. As it happpens, in attempting a work-around I've kinda been forced to do 20 minute takes, and I'm really enjoying it. But when time's pressing, as it normally is, that will be a massive help. Going to take a crack at it now. Edit...
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Get me started. Or not.

    There's a thing on Garageband where you can continuously loop a part, and record another track. As the looped track ends, the loop goes back to the start, but the recording keeps your live track keeps recording, but you're now recording over what you just did. It's a great tool for...
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    Just today realised the factory next door (literally over the wall) from my (very elderly) folks' place is a significant risk, and one of them has some of his stuff in our yard, and is in and out all the time. Never once thought of it, despite all of the family taking all the precautions...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Yeah, it's nice to spend a bit of time with those actors again, but I thought the entire movie was a build-up to the stupid double-entendre very last line. Required more effort to watch than any of that ensemble's other movies. I havent watched an entire full-length movie in a year and a half. I...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Oh no
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    i hate this guy

    THANK YOU! His fans remind me of early Scientologists, with their unshakeable faith and their shiny enraptured faces. Boring company is right. Must remember to post something positive sometime.
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    i hate this guy

    :) Ha! No, I gotcha! The musical world divides itself into people who consider themselves artists and those who do not. The former are - with a few exceptions - to be avoided, in my experience, both in terms of their working process and their finished output. There are loads of music codewords...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    i hate this guy

    I think people call themselves artists with no understanding of the word. Do the job. If someone else likes it then maybe they'll call it art. Of my musician friends, the ones who are making a living are busy hawking stuff to publishers, doing TV / movie / theatre work. A few are making money...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    No hard evidence to back this up mind, just a two month silence from both Bob and Andy.
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    Or a fundraiser for daft kids?
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    You meaty hero! Get a sweat on! 😀😀
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm mad about it too. I think Peter Beardsley's wife's sister is the funniest thing I've ever heard. And Steve McClaren and Casper. Jesus. Andy Dawson got backlash for some stupid stuff on Twitter a while ago, total silence since then. Kinda still hoping it will all blow over but it isn't...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    The Confessions thread

    If the Thumped Kru Choons thread was called the Confessions thread I would have posted loads of stuff
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    I dont think Athletico Mince is coming back
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    The Confessions thread

    #threadkiller 😬
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    The Confessions thread

    Sure is! On a slightly different track, a who do YOU think you look like thread might be fun. Me = Gary Busey x Ron Perlman
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread's the weighty dignity of it. Elvis now = Nick Cave now. Unlistenable craicuum.
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Refute! Interview with historian Ann Applebaum, thoughtful on the roots of populism.