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  1. mc moley

    ah look at stephen

    no eoddy ya were able to give me points there! thanks bud! here ill try and give you sum, tell me what happens...we can solve this thing once and for all! never mind it says i gotta spread it around b4 giving it to ya again. another time perhaps?
  2. mc moley

    skinny wolves club & la quiete

    who designed that poster its slick!
  3. mc moley

    ah look at stephen

    everytime i go to give people points it seems to take them away from the person, and im pretty sure im doing it right. so thats why i never give points was hurting too many feelings! ill still take em from you though weeler....i seem to be losing points left right and centre for...
  4. mc moley

    TV/Movie's/Radio you've been on

  5. mc moley

    TV/Movie's/Radio you've been on

    almost all of us from kilcoole were in glenroe at some stage.....kendo had a little 'role' as the best striker in the next village's football team....he took off his shirt after he scored the goal. how saucy!
  6. mc moley

    Evenin' all

    dont mean to be jumping in on the slaggin' wagon but i hear that you can download their video off their site and its pretty funny. whats the site or wha?
  7. mc moley

    Radio Documentary on "Hope Promotions"

    why thank you very much, your a gentleman!
  8. mc moley

    Nuclear Death Terror photos

    cormy get a 5150 peavy head...they will actually take your head right off...its the widest fuckin head ive ever seen....dont have a clue about prices though
  9. mc moley

    Radio Documentary on "Hope Promotions"

    you should record it and make a cd version of it as well
  10. mc moley

    Bike Workshop before Certain Death Cafe!

    Re: Bike WOrkshop before Certain Death Cafe! next week you warehousers and your sundays! i can never go! got the kilcoole sunday football and band practice every sunday.....just wondering would you do me a fav and see if there are any front derailers for a racer going? nice one!
  11. mc moley

    New Punk Website going up!

    if you wouldnt mind linking up langdon beck and kid blunt that would be great. thanks very much! good luck with the site by the way
  12. mc moley

    Basta! ALL AGES gig Friday 4th March Greystones 6 - 11pm

    what the fuk is going on? i see these bastards every day and i still cant get info off them! what is your thing ed? going away party obviously but any detials? times place... agh!
  13. mc moley

    Riot-Folk! looking for gigs

    i got this deadly almanacs collection in tower for 7 squid....not bad at all! also got a woody guthrie double cd for 7 as well.
  14. mc moley

    Riot-Folk! looking for gigs

    anyway i got talking to these guys and they seem pretty interested about coming over....anybody interesteed in doing a gig for them? Galway/Cork/Anywhere feel like doing a gig? it'll be early July so theres loadsa notice....just wondering who'd be up for it?
  15. mc moley

    Amen Ra

    turns me on every time! just look at that face.....he's clearly about to climax..... with a guitar rif that is!
  16. mc moley

    Amen Ra

    i have a feeling whatever happens.....i'll get the blame:p !!
  17. mc moley

    Riot-Folk! looking for gigs

    i was gonna but i feared a verbal bashing at the hands of the pun masters!
  18. mc moley

    Riot-Folk! looking for gigs

    NO! im gonna get these guys over.....cant believe pete seeger is still gigin around....he's a folk legend!! .|..| .|..| .|..|
  19. mc moley

    p.a. query re bohs

    that sounds grand, hopefully we'll get her working ok:cool:
  20. mc moley


    i quess wherever you feel comfortable at drawing it personaly. others will obviously have their own level of tolerence/acceptance of things. which leads to people banging head sometimes i guess.