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    Nalle, The Family Elan and Cian Nugent: The Joinery, Saturday April 18th

    can't wait... gonna break the bank and buy that pretty album
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    !Kaboogie: The !K Club - This Thurs 16th - FREE!!!!

    :( didn't know it had been cancelled, went down wearin me dancin shoes :(:(:(
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    Soldiers,Carosah,Sort it..this sunday Killiney!

    sessON yee all went home and thazz not punx for evz
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    Paddy '09

    i made 75e in 2 hours face painting at merrion sq. ROCK!
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    Paddy '09

    that's amazing! oh btw, does anyone know what the story is with selling your wares on da street on paddys day? i don't need a license to go around face painting right?
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    recommend me classical music

    I loved playing bartok... oh for a piano :( and talent, that person plays it so fast!!
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    recession food and booze deals

    TGIs blackrock, 3 euro cocktails mon-fri!!.|..|
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    recession food and booze deals

    i might be povo but i'm not deranged
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    recession food and booze deals

    m&s should die!! that sandwhich plus drink plus crisps deal does not mention how piss poor the choice is. egg and watercress?? what the fuck is watercress. it's grass, thats what it is. it's too early in the recession to be eating grass. i literally ate 2 bites out of it and had to throw it out.
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    Al Burian/Boris Belony at Seomra Spraoi - 24/2

    ahhhh brilliant! fair play to all involved in putting it on
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    rihanna domestic

    his career is over. maybe he'll be on never mind the buzzcocks or celebrity big brother in about 20 years
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    La Fraction House gig

    thanks everyone for comin out, deadly day! poor turlo was left a bit out of pocket with the bbq. next time povo onion burgers for daaa punks!
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    La Fraction House gig

    k-holes amazin. i reckon we should just give the gaf a new name every few weeks. we're currently calling it "daaa bin"
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    Al Burian/Boris Belony at Seomra Spraoi - 24/2

    deadly! will be attending. will boris be performing boris+music or just acapella?
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    recession food and booze deals

    but have you got the skillz?
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    Deleting your Online Presence

    deleted everything months ago (bar thumped omg!!!) because i was doing a super intense course and couldn't risk being distracted. now the intensitys over and i'm not mad pushed to go back to them but feel i have to because networking is virtually impossible. besides i totally miss lurking at the...
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    recession food and booze deals

    yes!!!!!!!!!!!1 but we have to get posh glasses. and maybe a shaker.
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    La Fraction House gig

    btw... anyone got a good recipe for veggie sausages n burgers that won't fall to sheet on a bbq?
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    recession food and booze deals

    wow thats deadly! anyone know where i can get cheap cocktails? and i don't mean a 7up chub with naggin....
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    La Fraction House gig

    definitely! sounds great p.s. anyone got a bbq to loan us...?