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  1. R

    Karaktermoord (NL) / Droppin Bombs / Ghundi / Sort It Out - 2/7

    if only yis had stayed for the end when milly hopped in the canal. I hope she's readin this the lurky loch ness. and she didn't even hop in for a dip, oh no, she was doing breast stroke lengths for about an hour. she is now immune to every disease and looks ten years younger. :P
  2. R

    post apocalyptic/dystopian films

    just finished watching it. holy god, i'm not sleeping ever again. Has well and truly got me in the mood for The Road.
  3. R


    tote stoked for trashfest :)
  4. R

    Boris Belony book out 4th of June!

    anybody else walk by tower and snigger at the thought of someone wanking in the jazz section?
  5. R

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    "the seriously sexy Lieutenant Cedric Daniels". there was so much unnecessary Daniels nudity throughout, obv for the ladies... his music sounds like salsa Seal.
  6. R

    Zack Morris

    yeah!!! and i also used to AC Slater the kitchen chairs at dinnertime
  7. R

    The Wire - s05e10 - Finale - Spoilers

    I finished the Wire 2 days ago and now life has no meaning. Maybe i'll go outside now. Or download Homicide: Life on the Street....
  8. R

    The Happening

    mrs jones: I hear you whispering, planning to steal something are you? Planning to murder me in my sleep. mark wahlberg school of acting: WAAAT. NOOOO. (that bit was rewinded many times):p
  9. R

    Question for the gals of thumped

    yeah thats the one, on lower liffey street. i'd get lots of food supplies in m&s before headin in cos if you want a colour expect to be there for a while...
  10. R


    writing a letter to congress on salvia is great too! for scary drug videos look up pcp... that stuffs maaad.
  11. R

    Question for the gals of thumped is my faaaav foreva. I have thigh high woolies that i only wear after a long bath. mmmm also i got a cut and a intense rescue colour (about 3 colours in one) in lunatic fringe for 50e. It was a very specialist thing that i needed and all other salons student rates were about...
  12. R

    Boris Belony book out 4th of June!

    listened to the cd last night, its kinda like chris morris's jam, everythings nightmarish. absolutely brilliant!
  13. R

    Mixing of genes cure for 'Celtic' diseases?

    not to mention spina bifida. sure you can ride your cousins as long as you take folic acid when your pregnant
  14. R

    Boris Belony book out 4th of June!

    fair play stephen! this was great
  15. R

    Natural History Museum Treasures in Collins Barracks

    From here. yay its back! something free and cool to do this summer. lol at "dead zoo", all the parents should bring the kids there after seeing the alive one.:p
  16. R


    thats if you give them your fuse box reading :P
  17. R


    is squash not faster?wouldn't mind learning to play that. im currently trying to locate a badminton club around dun laoghaire but have had no luck... i kinda want to play with fast people as opposed to the wagon fests i used to attend when i was livin in the country.
  18. R

    The Black Market - today!

    i have an original sarah mc carthy chocolate jesus with tits getting a lick of varnish tonight and then it is being nailed to the wall somehow... go the black market!!
  19. R

    KYLESA. fri july 17. crawdaddy
