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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    Recording Bass

    buhhhhh? bass to the desk, then out to an amp? never heard of it done that way. only slightly off topic...i got this a while back: but haven't had a chance to use it yet. i reckon it looks pretty cool, can't wait to hear what it'll do.
  2. Lord Damian

    Cuntz breakin in your house

    and what about that 1 time out of 10 they pull a knife or a syringe or something?
  3. Lord Damian

    I have the horn for...

  4. Lord Damian

    I have the horn for...

    Lt. Callahan
  5. Lord Damian

    Band or solo. Who's better on their todd?

    he's got your number, Anto.
  6. Lord Damian

    Soup made on Monday evening

    and you wonder why you have deformed testicles.
  7. Lord Damian

    Band or solo. Who's better on their todd?

    ahhhhhHAHAHAHAHAHA the only way for this to be is if Nirvana had NEVER EXISTED. god i hate the Foos.
  8. Lord Damian

    Soup made on Monday evening

    it wasn't 'next day' soup, it was left OUT for 2 days. egads.
  9. Lord Damian

    trailer for paris hilton's new weird opera movie

    not really - under US$9MM wishing i could see these trailers at work now...
  10. Lord Damian

    Soup made on Monday evening

    hold on, you left it out overnight monday AND tuesday, and you wanted to know if you could eat it?!?!?!! i hope you didn't, in the end. that's just madness.
  11. Lord Damian

    Band or solo. Who's better on their todd?

    I love the New York Dolls,but I prefer Buster Poindexter solo.
  12. Lord Damian

    trailer for paris hilton's new weird opera movie

    filming here in lovely T'ranna...if i'm not mistaken, the folks that did Saw are behind this.
  13. Lord Damian

    San Diego Burns

    LOL - you can get a free pack of matches with the purchase of a pack of smokes....errrr...can i not just buy a pack of matches for 5 fucking cents?
  14. Lord Damian

    Chrome Dreams 2

    yup. i think i'll just book a trip to Topanga or wherever the fuck he lives, march up to his door and tell him i'm there to help him get this shit out. i'll be fucked if i have to wait until i'm in diapers to finally see it released.
  15. Lord Damian

    People who hate you for no appartent reason

    there's certainly a difference in being shy compared to being shy AND someone who treats others like shit. i was supershy all through school and it never did me any harm when it came to the ladies. i doubt the same would have been said if i was concurrently a complete prick to them.
  16. Lord Damian

    Band or solo. Who's better on their todd?

    Neil Young better solo? whaaaaat are you smoking? all his best stuff was made with Crazy Horse and the Stray Gators!
  17. Lord Damian

    Chrome Dreams 2

    i was told that the DVD only has galleries of still pictures on it. WTF??
  18. Lord Damian

    New TV Season Pilots

    hey Pete, what do you think of Californication?
  19. Lord Damian

    San Diego Burns

    closer to a million, as it turns out.
  20. Lord Damian

    Chrome Dreams 2

    oh, i dunno - the schmaltziest bits of Prairie Wind mixed up with some Ragged Glory or Mirrorball an 18-minute track that sounds like a Bluenotes piece that isn't horrible...not the worst i've ever heard but definitely not very exciting. that's just first listen, i'm sure i'll...