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  1. Lord Damian

    The doghouse

    No. No, it doesn't. Plus, I can't watch my Slayer DVD's in bed. i see it as a win-win type situation. Corey's right - Sticky This Thread.
  2. Lord Damian

    One week and counting... new Large Mound opus

    Ian, are you really 66?
  3. Lord Damian

    One week and counting... new Large Mound opus

    hey hey hey, i have next friday off...maybe i'll jet over. hey Anto, is the kid on the cover gonna be your mascot ala Eddie? i think this is the best idea ever.
  4. Lord Damian

    The doghouse

    i have insomnia, so i often relegate myself to the couch to avoid waking the missus up. and then she feels slighted by this. so to answer your question....uhhhhh, i think so. kinda?
  5. Lord Damian

    Trail of Dead.....????

    they just split from Interscope, apparently...not a friendly split either, by the read of it
  6. Lord Damian

    Halloween experiences

    are we talking teensy Seanc, or massive 10 year-olds? i haven't been afraid of 10 year-olds since i was 8.
  7. Lord Damian

    I've Got a Bike, and I'll Ride it if I Like!

    doesn't necessarily have to be stuck "in" anything in order for it to be sex, probably just rubbing up against the seat, who knows? the man is now a laughingstock all because a couple of cunts had to report it. imagine the shit-fit they would have thrown had they caught him with a blow-up doll!!!
  8. Lord Damian

    I've Got a Bike, and I'll Ride it if I Like!

    placed on the sexual offenders register??? granted, having sex with a bike is a pretty wacky thing to do, but a "sexual offense"? it's "offensive" that he be placed on that list!!!!! and it was behind closed doors!!!!! arrggggh this is destroying my fucking head!!!!
  9. Lord Damian

    The Wit of the Staircase

    SHOCKING!!!! nice comeback to my impersonator Jane!!!!
  10. Lord Damian

    The Wit of the Staircase

    hey guys, what's happening? somebody stole my pasword earlier and was logging in as me all day. crazy. hi Jane!
  11. Lord Damian

    The Wit of the Staircase

    no kiddin...has Jane ever had a four-word post? heh heh
  12. Lord Damian


  13. Lord Damian


    stinkin foreigners, trampling all over our lovely snow.
  14. Lord Damian

    Top Haloween Costumes

    a friend of mine dressed up as Chuck Norris' credit card statement the other night...i was too buzzed to ask him to explain it/why at the time...maybe i'll email him now, cuz i'm having a tough time figuring it out in hindsight.
  15. Lord Damian

    Recording Bass

    they're realtively cheap - got mine used for CDN$1,000 - you should get one, they're fantastic. plus Geddy used one back in the day...and Lemmy...and and and edit - actually, Geddy's and Lemmy's were probably customized
  16. Lord Damian

    The Wit of the Staircase

    do folks who never lose arguments just call it "the wit of the argument" and have no understanding of l'esprit d'escalier?
  17. Lord Damian

    Night Watch/Day Watch

    dunno about over there - was released in the states in june, no info on cdn release date on imdb...i'm assuming the dvd is being released here soon, saw a writeup in the metro on it this morning.
  18. Lord Damian

    Oul Ladspeak

    a balk in baseball is when the pitcher fakes a pitch - not when he fakes for a splitsecond and turns for a throw to 1st or whatever, but when he makes a throwing motion towards the batter w/o releasing the ball...i don't know why i felt the need to share that. my grandmother always used to say...
  19. Lord Damian

    Night Watch/Day Watch

    any fans? saw the first one and thought it very good, looking forward to Day Watch which i think should be out on DVD any day now. Night = Day =
  20. Lord Damian

    Recording Bass

    for the last few recording sessions i've done it's usually a case of mic'ing the bass cab, as well as taking a direct out out of the bass head. really looking forward to recording my 4001 - haven't been superhappy with the tone i've had in the past, but am really digging the 4001's...