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  • Users: rampz
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  1. rampz

    do you ever wish your car was kitt?

    notably when you walk out of liffey vally and its cold and you dont want to have to walk all the way across the car park. im assuming kitt had a remote control here otherwise this shit is totally redundant.
  2. rampz

    womens soccer.

    none of them read this, so lads go for it!
  3. rampz

    the rise of sunderland under keano.

    well it is quite impressive really innit? carlos edwards looks like one for the future. deadly goal last nite v burnley.
  4. rampz

    knut the polar bear: should he live or die?

    well he is very cute. i say live.
  5. rampz

    i see pink grease are playing pogo in may.

    i know a lot of very excited people at this news.
  6. rampz

    conway savage? sugar club next week?

    just heard this on the radio. is it true? last time he played solo in dublin, circa 2001ish, he was totally deadly.
  7. rampz

    the proposition is starting on film 4.

    deadly movie if anyones not seen it.
  8. rampz

    why do women take so fucking long to do everything???

    for example, paying for goods in the supermarket.
  9. rampz

    what kind of midfielder is mascherano?

    is he one of those anchor types or more of an attacker?
  10. rampz

    Xpose on tv3.

    glenda gilsen was on tonight. she doesnt look as rotten when shes moving around and talking. still rotten though.
  11. rampz

    funny bumper sticker i saw yesterday.

    it said..."i :heart: the old latin mass" sure dont we all.
  12. rampz

    whats the best thing about being nicolas roeg?

    being married to theresa russell i guess.
  13. rampz

    el p tonight.

    totally amazing!
  14. rampz

    john lydon

    what a legend!
  15. rampz

    big daddy kane last nite.

    deadly buzz altogether. anyone else go?
  16. rampz

    have any of you dona a cash transfer to thomann recently?

    yis dont knoe the swift address/ bic code do yis. its a pre requisite for aib customers now doing cash transfers on the internet. the reason im not using my credit card is just cos id thought id try it this way for a laugh btw.
  17. rampz

    any good religious movies on tv this weekend?

    i think network 2 are showing passion of the christ. ive never seen it. im curious out of blood lust.
  18. rampz

    traffic in lucan is shit today

    best avoided if possible, all because of stupid roadworks around that little roundabout at ballyowen lane there beside willsbrook road.
  19. rampz

    deadly fortune cookie fortune i got the other day.

    "everybody will be famous for 15 minutes" such wisdom.
  20. rampz

    nurses and midwives work to rule. what do you think?

    for nurses at the front line like myself its a damn inconvenience i tell you, not being able to make phone calls or anything. i know its in a good cause and all that and we do deserve more money for the shit we have to do but i hope we dont end up going out on strike. i have sick people to look...