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  • Users: Space
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  1. Space

    The random Rory Gallagher video thread

    Doubled that already.
  2. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    I don't even have two brakes on my main yoke.
  3. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    Does that say you must have a bell or if you have a bell it must be in good working order?
  4. Space

    The random Rory Gallagher video thread

    My money is on Paul Allen
  5. Space


    He's finally realised they suck?
  6. Space

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I'd say one ya can't see would be better.
  7. Space

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Academy 2 no less.
  8. Space

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Same experience for me at this gig and at Depeche Mode and YF in same venue last year
  9. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    My buddy Vinny was doing it this year but not sure if he was solo.
  10. Space

    Documentaries about guitars and related

    Perhaps he should have listened to the people with experience instead of chasing clout and ego fulfilment.
  11. Space

    Documentaries about guitars and related

    Live Aid was not a good thing.
  12. Space

    Basic income for artists

  13. Space

    Basic income for artists

    Spoofing is an art in and of itself.
  14. Space

    Basic income for artists

    Few of my mates who are well outside any golden arts circle got it.
  15. Space

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Thankfully I missed that part.
  16. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    I took the front basket off my fixed gear yesterday. Instant and easy 10% increase in speed and agility. Probably sell the basket if anyone is interested in one. the lad below but in black.
  17. Space

    I'm going to buy a record player...................

    Me phone of course
  18. Space

    Jaysus cycling!

    I have the same front light.
  19. Space

    Jaysus cycling!
