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  1. R

    General Election 2025

    Leo Varadkar announced that he’s but running in the next election. I don’t think anyone thought he would.
  2. R

    US politics

    Doesn't go well with his Disney branding.
  3. R


    Keep the fire burning. Justified rage keeps me warm at night. I think I'm angrier now than I was 20 years ago and dont take the same shit I used to. I've seem too many things being done to and said about women I care for, and that pisses me off a million times more then when it happens to me.
  4. R

    US politics

    I've seen the video where people spot the shooter on the roof. There is 2 minuites of them shouting for the cops because there's a very obivious person lying on the roof , facinging towards the stage. I've seen snippers on the roof in Dublin (ok this was a few years ago) because Bank of Ireland...
  5. R

    US politics

    It feels like Trump getting in is a done deal now.
  6. R

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Balls I was at this too. I’d have tried to meet to say hello if I saw these earlier. If you saw a ginge with a black T-shirt with a pentagram on it that said “reading is fun”, that was me. Yeah it was a good march and much much much better than the other Pride one, which is mainly corporate...
  7. R

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    Confused country drivers are find, it’s the confused Americans that will kill you. Those and teenagers on our road doing wheelies on stolen motorbikes 100 times a day.
  8. R

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    I’m living in the middle of the city and pretty much each road I regularly drive is going to be closed to me or one way in the wrong direction. Supermarkets don’t deliver to the flats here so if I order, I’ve to collect it from near Pearse St train station and hope I can carry everything in 1...
  9. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh I will hate her for the rest of my life and go to her funeral just to make sure she's dead, but that might just be a me thing.
  10. R

    Minor complaints thread

    That is all quite true.
  11. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I have a vendetta with a postwoman over the same thing. The thing said "do not fold" but fold she did. The bitch knocked down a neighbours dog too and was suprised when I complained. Fucker.
  12. R

    Unpopular Opinions

    I just watched that video too. He seems to be in good humor about it, which is nice to see too.
  13. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I binged all of Supacell today. It’s like cross between Top Boy and X-Men. Decent enough.
  14. R

    Going rate for a wedding present

    Covering the meal for a couple is more like €200. 100 or 150 is grand.
  15. R

    Your work situation

    Still here, there was set dancing and an accordion. I’m obviously still on the clock.
  16. R

    Your work situation

    It’s my end of year coming up (summer to summer) so working lunch in the bar. It’s a good day.
  17. R

    Major Pleasures

    Isn't that where there's a bakery that we ordered so much cake off them that they still remembered us years later?
  18. R

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    I saw them once and fell asleep. That’s probably my own fault though.
  19. R

    European and local elections 2024

    Dont forget they're doing the ban on conversion theraphy bill and dealing with autism assessments (aons).