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  1. rettucs

    Your work situation

    @David Kronenbourg is in Ballinskelligs
  2. rettucs

    Your work situation

    he could sell it, use the money to do the WWII stuff, then put a deposit on a house with whats left.
  3. rettucs

    Your work situation

    was it this?
  4. rettucs

    Your work situation

    yeah, some people are turning it to shite altogether. but its a valuable resource. I got my last 3 jobs through linkedin. And I've hired a couple of folks that way too.
  5. rettucs

    Your work situation

    maybe checking if you have an 'Open to Work' banner, and to pre-empt you leaving, if you do. I like to get ahead of those kinds of things and check linkedin on occasion just to check.
  6. rettucs

    Your work situation

    prepare for LOTS of meetings if you go manager
  7. rettucs

    Your work situation

    @BOTicelli show me other works by David Kronenberg
  8. rettucs

    Your work situation

    @BOTicelli David Kronenberg's workmate watching porn in the office
  9. rettucs

    Your work situation

    might be their ringtone?
  10. rettucs

    Your work situation

    btw, is this a job that internal and external candidates are interviewing for?
  11. rettucs

    Your work situation

    maybe not working with a pack of shites that would pull that in an interview are best avoided. could be for the best @magicbastarder
  12. rettucs

    Your work situation

    Learnings about vinyls
  13. rettucs

    Your work situation

    sake @pete
  14. rettucs

    Your work situation

    I'm goood at that shit. Usually revert to the 'well you need to be professional and accept responsibility. Mistakes happen, we're all human. the true test is how we respond to, and learn from, failures'.
  15. rettucs

    Your work situation

    Is that from a Belle and Sebastian song?
  16. rettucs

    Your work situation

    oh yeah, April 1st. HB in advance
  17. rettucs

    Your work situation

    5 weeks is a bit on the short side, but better than a kick up the hole
  18. rettucs

    Your work situation

    basically @David Kronenbourg is important so they couldn't let him go to a competitor with all the company secrets so they paid him not to work until he forgets everything
  19. rettucs

    Your work situation

    for how long? garden leave is amazing. I've been made redundant 3 times. Never got garden leave once. Pricks.
  20. rettucs

    Your work situation

    maybe it was him with the Peter Pan PB too