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  1. Anthony

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    The kids are going to love Get Back.
  2. Anthony

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Had an unusual bout of energy yesterday. Got up at 9am and was constantly on the go until bed. From lawn mowing to epic clean up. Must be something in that one hour of oxygen I'm getting weekly.
  3. Anthony

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

  4. Anthony

    The random Rory Gallagher video thread

    Kirk Hammett
  5. Anthony

    Minor Pleasures

    Oh and as for sound people to work with. On my 50th the threw a party in the canteen, 100% surprise because it was 2 days later and I though I'd gotten away with it. They gave me a 1 for all. Bought a guitar.
  6. Anthony

    Minor Pleasures

    Went out for a colleague's retirement on Friday. Lovely Thai scran then 3 pubs. Walked home a 1am. low points: Ending up in a "nite club bar". Hell on earth. Leaving at 1am to feel a few dots of rain only to be SOAKED TO THE SKIN by the time I got home (about 8 minutes).
  7. Anthony

    European and local elections 2024

    I was on me hols when Ryan news happened. I imagined the dumb Irish internet glee. I liked him and sure only the other wee I heard him interviewed in the radio and remarked to myself that I'd never heard a more plain, easy to undestand, no question dodging, to the points, zero bullshit...
  8. Anthony

    European and local elections 2024

    Most people aren't that organised. This is the ususal business of sound people paying the price for the fucking morons. (I like the tethered caps btw)
  9. Anthony

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    We watched A Small Light, Anne Frank story. Watchable, totally TV drama. Don't bother.
  10. Anthony

    Ghost discussion

    Anyone see the filum? I didn't but I do like the new tune.
  11. Anthony

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    is sneezing cancelled now? Honestly, you can't expel anything these days.
  12. Anthony

    Thread for amazing live videos

  13. Anthony

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    We've never had a scales in the house I've never known what I weigh. But this last two weeks we were staying in an apartment with a scales. I totally got into the stats of it. I weighed myself multiple times a day and logged it all in the health app on my phone. Really interesting to see how the...
  14. Anthony

    US politics

    Blue no matter who, as they say.
  15. Anthony

    Minor Pleasures

    Just back from 2 weeks in Berlin. Minor pleasure to be back on Thumped. Major complaint to be back in work on monday. And, well, to not be in Berlin anymore.
  16. Anthony

    This is where we talk about our favourite R.E.M. albums

    All albums equal first and last place for me.
  17. Anthony

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    anyone watching the athletics?
  18. Anthony

    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    Heard someone use "threeolympia" twice in a sentence yesterday. "yes it's down there just by threeolympia" Not even "the".
  19. Anthony

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    They won't tell you anything on the day. It'll go through either your doctor or the hospital. Good luck with it.
  20. Anthony

    European and local elections 2024

    Surprised at all the female Aointú candidates.