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  • Users: seanc
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  1. S


    He knows a good toolmaker. He also knows a guy who's out of work, but that guy's dad was a GP.
  2. S


    I know a few of you know more about that part of the world than I do. I guess if it's transcending sectarian divides, then that's good?? I don't know, I never thought I'd see that, but if you say so I'll believe you.
  3. S


    Or just other people voting. Demographic changes?
  4. S

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    Andy Murray is grand and all, but this shite coverage can fuck right off. The man's not dead like. Posh English crowds are so bad at atmosphere.
  5. S


    /critique of Englandness: The plebs can't be trusted to make a considered decision. The plebs who count the votes can't be trusted with anything other than the simplest task. The betters make the real decisions. Many of the plebs seem indoctrinated or quite happy with this arrangement. They...
  6. S


    A single "X" in the box of your choice, no other markings allowed. I appreciate the simplicity, but it's a rubbish system.
  7. S


    As I was walking to the polling station, four Apache helicopters flew overhead. Chinooks are pretty much a daily occurrence, but Apaches are rare. And I've never seen four at the same time. Today of all days, funny that. I voted for a no hope candidate (within the FPTP system), but the...
  8. S

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    You seem like the kind of person who'd enjoy making your own fermented foods. Do try, I do recommend.
  9. S

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    When I had a c-scope my after meal was a large double decadence meat feast from Domino's. Afterwards my centre of gravity was off of normal that I couldn't walk properly. Belly full, gut empty. That was years ago though, couldn't do that now. So fair play, wouldn't begrudge anyone there first...
  10. S


    Em. Fuck the tories. It'd be something if I said that I'd heard that more lately than I'd ever heard before. But that wouldn't be true. People have been saying it for years. All the time. But there's not even a fissile atmosphere in the air. I think that's potentially dangerous. Let's see what...
  11. S

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    24 seconds I lasted, which is 36 seconds of normal time I suppose. Is the sea drone any actual use then or what?
  12. S

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    It was a bit racist.
  13. S

    Minor complaints thread

    I usually see that in Turkish/North African shops. Or in very large supermarkets where they might have a Polish section. Lidl's English mustard is not Colmans, but it's alright. I must check if Colmans actually is on the shelf round here. I used up the last of the mustard powder making currywurst.
  14. S

    Tell me a joke thread

    Strangely, this came up today. You maybe saw the joke as "They slash them". I read the joke as "they end them". And I don't think I'm alone in thinking that. Sorry, we had different jokes, which is interesting in itself. But now that we've salted the earth on that joke, let's move on. What...
  15. S

    Your work situation

    I had my issues, but I wasn't the one who ultimately delayed anything. And I didn't break anything/hurt anyone. Funnily, across the way there's two guys on a cherry picker doing something to the block of flats over there. Thusfar I've heard heard them use a reciprocating saw, a multi tool, a...
  16. S


    It Just says degree level. Of the many things in there, they want someone fluent in English or French and basic in the other. I'm imagining an office full of people who refuse to learn the language that half their colleagues use. Both ways. What could go wrong.
  17. S

    2020-21 Football thread

    Was never meant to be for the smaller teams. I'm running very low on underdogs to support.
  18. S


    The diasparatora.
  19. S

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    I have a feeling I remember this fight. Although I couldn't possibly. Funny how some things just become legendary. I have no recollection of Euro 88, someone mentioned it the other day.
  20. S

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    As far you or I are concerned that's what they do. I think they obviously don't make it that simple. I'd hope so anyway. My point about the pips still stands. Trust me on that.