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  1. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    my very rough post mortem on depp vs heard is that depp was cleared because she fabricated a load of shit. But what i meant in this case is that it'll become everyones celebrity drama for a few months and whos right/wrong is completely irrelevant so long as people score internet points.
  2. nooleen

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

  3. nooleen

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    As in he's a rapist megalomaniac celeb and his victims get to be the subject of a misogynistic internet pile-on? I think we're there already
  4. M

    The Thumped Motoring Forum
  5. pete


    What are the odds?
  6. pete

    Tell me a joke thread
  7. hydromancer


  8. Deadmanposting


    Wordle 1,113 4/6 🟩🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  9. ann post

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I have made about 6 attempts to watch it but it seems to 100% putting me to sleep material.
  10. M

    Tell me a joke thread

    Skip to 4:45 for the relevant bit.
  11. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    When that happened i was like 'oh he escaped fair play'.
  12. ann post


    I know this seems wildly hard for people to deal with but I counted up numbers very roughly and there was about 3 left over and when i tried to account for it in changes it seemed to be in particular place - so i said that. It's not my opinion that there is 3 left over. If it said there was...
  13. R

    Tell me a joke thread

    It’s ok, most of it is pigs anus now, so no sea critters harmed in the making of that deliciously anally snack.
  14. hydromancer

    Tell me a joke thread

    I guess there are interesting to study I don't eat calamari because they are so biologically complex
  15. M

    Tell me a joke thread

    You have the right to bare arms.
  16. hydromancer

    Tell me a joke thread

    Wait a minute I have two arms and no suckers on them at all who gets to make up these rules
  17. R


    Don’t fancy a 23 year age gap between them. It just feels like the start of a bad Hallmark movie and a main plot point is I die and the eldest takes over.
  18. M


    the funny thing is statistics was the module i liked least in college.
  19. Cornu Ammonis


    You were furious, you just don’t remember coming around to my house screaming about sampling error and clustering biases. We had to get the guards involved. It was carnage.
  20. Cornu Ammonis

    Minor Pleasures

    That’s great to hear because I thought I was going mad this week when one of our staff got married and I suggested that we buy him a One4All voucher from the office. Everyone just broke eye contact and mumbled something about just getting a card for him. I ended up buying him a voucher on my own...