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  1. pete

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    When I met @coraline from here at that The Sabbath gig I was very very drunk “I’m coraline” “Caroline?” “Coraline - neil gaiman, you know?” “Ok. Yeah… Caroline. Neil Diamond!”
  2. pete


    Wordle 1,113 3/6* 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. Unicron


    There is an aeropress cold brew method
  4. chris d

    What movie did you watch last night?

  5. Kermit McDermott

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    He's obviously trying to prove that despite his surname he is NOT ....a gay man.
  6. Cormcolash

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    Maybe that's where the Leinster Rugby fans get it from
  7. Cormcolash


    “They were mostly an ageing bunch of tattooed losers,"
  8. Cormcolash

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Glad to see it's not just me that realises this, she's a fuckin weapon.
  9. N

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    They've both always been twits.
  10. Cormcolash

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Maybe this is why Amanda Palmer divorced him
  11. N


    Seriously - are you taking the piss? This is getting tiresome.
  12. Cormcolash

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw A Quiet Place Day 1 today. I guess this film is okay, but I found it boring because it's just a shock/tension horror that doesn't do anything particularly interesting. The cat is the star of the show.
  13. Cormcolash

    What movie did you watch last night?

  14. chris d

    Minor Pleasures

    You must have looked very surprised.
  15. chris d

    Minor Pleasures

    Years ago when I was a little Clerical Officer newbie I went for lunch with work (4 of us plus big boss), when it came to dessert time the waitress asked me first so I ordered ice cream, and every other cunt said no thanks. I was by far the lowest ranking member of the team. Had to absolutely...
  16. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Harsh but fair.
  17. ann post


    So are you trying tell me that it's just maths, not opinion by any chance?
  18. M


    FWIW i am not stating it's a logical absurdity that 3% of the voters changed alliegance; i am stating that it's absurd to make that claim based simply on the bare stats available.
  19. M


    ...the percentage change in voting across nationalist/unionist lines was accounted for by people changing allegiances, that this was just maths. you *cannot* make this conclusion, it's that simple. the sheer number of variables (and anonymity of the process) make drawing this conclusion a...
  20. ann post

    Tell me a joke thread

    yeah it has octacles