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  1. therealjohnny

    Ghost discussion

    No, and I don't.
  2. ann post


    From being there* a lot, i'd kinda say it's a bit more becoming like here - if the local TD is effective they are winning favour, rather than if the local TD is Unionist or Irish being the only factor which is what NI is growing out of, by possibly 3%
  3. Anthony

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    We watched A Small Light, Anne Frank story. Watchable, totally TV drama. Don't bother.
  4. sleepy

    Ghost discussion

    I also haven’t seen the new film but like the new tune.
  5. Anthony

    Ghost discussion

    Anyone see the filum? I didn't but I do like the new tune.
  6. S


    Or just other people voting. Demographic changes?
  7. ann post


    DUP are down 8.5%, alliance 1.8 - about 10% drop of that 7.6% is gone to TUV/Green/PBP This leaves a mystery 2.4% that must have transferred from Unionist to SF. It's maths, not opinion
  8. Deadmanposting


    I don't get you What 3%?
  9. M


    i'm hearing theories that all the talk of the labour landslide is one reason why labour didn't jump as much as expected, and the turnout wasn't great; people planning to vote labour just got complacent. it was posited as one reason starmer's vote dropped in his own constituency. talking to a...
  10. ann post


    Yeah that doesn't really denote any real difference - there is a 3% section here that kinda had to go from unionist to SF, which is gonna crease a few people's sashes i'd say
  11. ann post


    The standout to me is east derry - while i was won by the DUP, the margin was less than 1% - It's come up unionist this time, but that's the one that could actually show a change in the splits.
  12. JohnnyRaz


    is the puppet likely to be in the running for the Tory leadership?
  13. Denny Oubidoux


    I heard a bit of Starmer's speech on the radio there, he sounds like a vicar
  14. chris d


    Shat on by Tories, shovelled up by Labour. poor sods.
  15. pete

  16. G

    Minor complaints thread
  17. JohnnyRaz

    New Manics single

    despite working in Trinners I've only been half aware of the lineup - twas only when I heard the sound check and did a quick google did I realise they were playing. Possibly would have gone had I know - although I've never really liked suede I see Arab Strap are playing on 14th sept - for more...
  18. Kermit McDermott

    New Manics single

    I watched both of their sets on youtube. Both were great. Kind of regret not going now. Ah well...
  19. JohnnyRaz


    she may have a Rory Stewart-esq. media career ahead of her.
  20. MacDara


    Wordle 1,112 5/6 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩