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  1. therealjohnny

    US politics

  2. therealjohnny

    US politics

    I'm uneasy about quitters rocking up like they never left. There should be some sort of re-application process
  3. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Boat feminists?
  4. therealjohnny

    US politics

    It pains me to say it but Trump's zinger will go down in history
  5. therealjohnny

    US politics

    They say presidential debates don't persuade people to change their votes,., but after that... Whooboy.. All the Biden fans on twitter admit it was disaster.
  6. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Landslide victory for Trump imminent
  7. therealjohnny

    US politics

    On a positive note, I'm glad to see America hasn't yet destroyed your use of the English language.
  8. therealjohnny

    US politics

    A disaster for liberal socialist cucks. U. S. A! U.S.A!
  9. therealjohnny

    US politics
  10. therealjohnny

    US politics

    probably not a good thing
  11. therealjohnny

    US politics

  12. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Ellis Island immigrants? Do they think their ancestors came from Ellis Island?
  13. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Edgy humour
  14. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Every other week it seems there is great excitement that he will be found guilty of something, and nothing ever happens. No wonder people believe it's a witch hunt.
  15. therealjohnny

    US politics

  16. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Who is writing this season of U.S. Politics? :D
  17. therealjohnny

    US politics

    I will never understand this stuff
  18. therealjohnny

    US politics

    You'd think this would cause some sort of reaction...but no...
  19. therealjohnny

    US politics

    Rather than asking people directly whether they believe in QAnon, the institute asked over 5,149 adults (age 18 and up) living in the US whether they agreed with core beliefs associated with the conspiracy. It found that an uncomfortably high 15 percent of Americans agreed with the statement...
  20. therealjohnny

    US politics

    "relentlessly patriotic" clothes