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  1. S


    Em. Fuck the tories. It'd be something if I said that I'd heard that more lately than I'd ever heard before. But that wouldn't be true. People have been saying it for years. All the time. But there's not even a fissile atmosphere in the air. I think that's potentially dangerous. Let's see what...
  2. pete


    Wordle 1,111 4/6* ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟨⬜🟨🟨⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. nooleen

    Celebrity Creeps Thread
  4. Jill Hives


    Should have had it at 3! Wordle 1,111 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟨⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. N

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    USA 1500 m runner Nikki Hiltz is trans but what is their background? Assigned woman gender but they ID as trans? Paula Radcliffe (boo!) and will love commentating on Hiltz. Should be fun watching Hiltz at Olympics. Good on 'em.
  6. pete

    Bored In Work 1197
  7. N

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Only took just over 2 months to get appointment with the probers. This was suggested by doctor several years ago before my Dad got ill. Just talking to gut specialists today. The diet changes were me thinking aloud So will get back to GP soon and get dietitian meeting set up. Thanks - My...
  8. flashback

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the general idea was: Ukraine's making sea drones, these yokes are cheap and can be cranked out quickly. You only need to take out a small number of naval assets to make a navy really hurt. This applies to Russia / Ukraine at the moment, but we should expect the situation to be generalized...
  9. pete

    Happy Birthday, Wheels

    Hope he doesn’t have sore hair tomorrow.
  10. N

    What you been listening to this week?

    NECROS - Conquest For Death LP (1983) bootleg NECROS - Sex Drive 7" bootleg JERRY'S KIDS - bootleg LP of Boston Not LA sessions w/ demos and 1983 WERS session
  11. hydromancer

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    Storm Beryl in the Caribbean
  12. hydromancer


    Will be interesting to see what happens in NI there seems to be a Naomi Long verses Gavin Robinson in east Belfast you would think Donaldson being before the courts today could hardly help Robinson.
  13. hydromancer


  14. G

    What you been listening to this week?

    Invertebrates-sick to survive LP Faucheuse-réve electrique lp Lunatic Fringe- no more flowers 7" Pillsbury Hardcore-ghosts of straight edge past LP Acid Mothers Temple...-pink lady lemonade you're from outer space 2xlp
  15. MacDara


    Wordle 1,110 3/6 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  16. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    You spoke to a dietician and they seem to have said your diet is grand with a small tweak, that’s the most important thing. Do I still want to make you a cake, yes very much so but I’m like a Jehovah Witness of cake and need an intervention. Sorry to hear about your Dad Nuke, I hope you had...
  17. N

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    This is what happened to me in 1996 aged 20. No devils advocate arguments about this please, this is what happened and if ya think my diet is bad now wait until you hear this. I was 20 years old and heading into a crisis where I needed to take anti psychotics. I gave up working in summer 1995...
  18. Jerry Twig

    Tell me a joke thread

    I see you’ve played knifey-spooney before….
  19. N

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    After 39 hours fasting though! One more shit meal won't kill me.