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  1. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I'm starting to think it does the opposite, like they can outsource their brains with monies
  2. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    An old early 90s Land Rover FTW
  3. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Was behind a 2022 G-wagon AMG spec (G63) €195,00 new Absolute fucking idiots Best thing to do would be buy an old one and pay a man to modernise one and you’d still be less than a quarter of €200k out of pocket
  4. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    My Da hates fords because they pulled out of ireland. Think it's rubbed off on me because I've always hated most of them
  5. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Fuckin hell. The waste
  6. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

  7. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Yeah you need to have them sticking out. They're probably just buried under since they probably weren't used much
  8. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    i used to be with them but now they are underwritten by some cunts: in order to take out a policy i have to submit my other 'daily' policy. I dont have another policy for a daily / regular car. last time i took out a policy with them a letter from my boss saying i was insured on a company van...
  9. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I reckon so. Fuck it. @therealjohnny do you still have the mini? Who are you insured with for your classic policy? I'm having a shite time trying to reinsure a car
  10. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Went up to his garage as herself's car is still there, now over a year. Turns out he's not done .... most of the things we left it in with him for. Chatting to his mechanic mate and gave him all the details and he has to go looking now for all the parts ordered, KEY(!) and then call us. Poor...
  11. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Windscreen seal starting to fail I'd reckon
  12. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Found out last night our local mechanic died last week. Only in his 40s. left behind wife and kids. Lovely fellah aswell. Also I hope my car didnt kill him
  13. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Oh man, the dream
  14. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    The bigger diesel is one of the best cars ever built, don't think I'll be shifting that any time soon (whenever we get it back next year). Think my coupe would have to be sold. Which is..... not happening
  15. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    THe missus has given me the death look. We already bought a 3L diesel w123 for her and we don't even have that back from the mechanics yet. Currently We don't have room for 3 cars but if he keeps dropping that price I think I'll have to invest in raised ramps for the garage and see
  16. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Saw another Merc I want to buy
  17. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    ah he sounds bang on
  18. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    still waiting on my stupid oil filter FFS did a drive down to dublin and back though and it was grand sonce i topped up radiator at start of journies
  19. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    have to drive to dublin later but clogged oil filter, replacement hasnt arrived yet - need to flush the system and replace the oil and filter resulting in burning remaining oil / very smokey oil and increases engine temp and coolant keeps evaporating as a result and sitting in traffic any...
  20. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    theyre there to prevent you progressing too quickly and spread trafffic out to reduce tailbacks. i think.