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  1. R

    does anyone here work in a residential care home?

    i'm filling out an application for a young peoples care home and kinda stuck, they want to know what plan id implement for a new 'at risk' kid, dont really know much about this part of youth work so i've no idea what to say. i'm pretty sure some people here have said they work/worked in this...
  2. R

    stupid cinema

    I brought my little brother to the pics tonight for his birthday to see pineapple express but we were refused cos they said he looked too young, bastards. they wanted i.d, what 16 yr old has that on them???? first time ive ever been refused entry. soooooo very pissed off!!!!!
  3. R

    what's your favourite song in a movie?

    i keep playing this clip of Rita Haworth in The Lady from Shanghai, it's also the most beautiful i've ever seen her.
  4. R

    can't sleep.

    Hey does anyone have any tips that really do help you fall asleep? a full nights sleep for me is about 7 hrs but now im having about half that, tried night time walks, hot milk and all that crap but nothings working.
  5. R

    anyone else notice an increase of idiots lately?

    maybe its just me but has anyone else noticed there's more and more of them every day? i was talking to a girl recently (she's in UCD) and she asked me if i'd heard the greenday song 'working class hero', said how she found the lyrics so true, hate you when you're clever and all that. then i was...
  6. R


    opps,pressed the wrong button, sorry :(
  7. R

    anything good to do in Dublin

    hey, i'm just frinishing up my job but as im getting paid till sept i figure i might aswell relax a bit before having to start somewhere, but as its been 6yrs since i've had much free time im not too sure whats fun to do in Dublin in the daylight hours (move on from the youthfull days of...
  8. R

    shrek becomes a man

    is it true that the Dustin guy who played shrek in saved by the bell was in a porn two years ago? i really really really hope this isnt true, not just cos the image has been giving me nightmares but well, its shrek.
  9. R

    job woes

    i handed in my notice in work a few days ago, i really wasnt enjoying it, super stressfull as i sometimes have to work with young people in really awful situations but it was killing manager is really cool about it, upset to see me leave, always welcome back, is there anything they can do...