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  1. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

  2. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    On my list for the year, I've heard similar reviews of it being a difficult but rewarding read.
  3. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Second Good Omens, its one of the funniest, most enjoyable books I've ever read.
  4. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I have to say, I was also underwhelmed by this one. Thought it was a perfectly grand book, just completely baffled by the hype surrounding it.
  5. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Just finished "The Poisonwood Bible", finally, it took me about 10 days to read, which is very slow for me. But I devoured every word. Barbara Kingsolver is just a fantastic writer, in my opinion. I loved the Lacuna, but I LOVED the Poisonwood Bible. I would pretty much eat everything she's ever...
  6. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Yes, me and Katie were going back and forth disagreeing (nicely lol) about it a few pages back. I was team hate, she team love.
  7. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Go on...
  8. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Katie is obsessed with Ali Smith omg! This is a great suggestion.
  9. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    All fair, and though it wasn't the most apropriate word for me to chose, no negative connotations were meant, and if anything I bristle at the idea that the word escapism comes with negative connotations.
  10. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Its not really better, because my point is about how people can use literature, and what it can mean to them (also relevant that escapism can be a moving and a powerful experience, and dare I say it, life changing for a person) however they see fit. Why the word accuse? It seems like a snobby...
  11. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Well theres a difference between describing a work of being "escapist", which I did not do, and saying one can use it as escapism from grief. So you know, read what I said.
  12. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Like LeGuin, I'm a crab.
  13. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I know she hates escapism, but its possible for people to approach literature in, I don't know, their own way like.
  14. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

  15. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    <3 I get you, misunderstood. Banana Yoshimoto, if you're looking for fiction? You know I stan Kitchen with the force of a thousand armies.
  16. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    @_Katie_ If you did want to go down the escapism route for a break, maybe something like a beautiful edition of an Ursula LeGuin? Don't know where to start? The essential novels of Ursula K Le Guin
  17. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    It might be great to give her a book that's complete escapism too, I find that the times I really love and cherish a book are those ones that give me a break and take me on a journey. It can be really difficult to get and take people's advice, especially when it comes to grief, in my experience...
  18. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I've been feeling quite hermit like, and generally read pretty fast. I did start the Allende book before 2019!
  19. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Go on, share.
  20. jonah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    From "The White Album" to "The White Book". Loved "The Vegetarian" so really excited to get stuck into this.