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  1. demonica

    Leeds United

    unbeaten, how much will i get if I win a $500 at 66-1, i'm no good at maths.
  2. demonica

    South Africa to win!

    You're meant to put that bet on before they had a chance
  3. demonica

    Leeds United

    And we're playin portsmouth on wednesday, show them how its done!
  4. demonica

    CAPDOWN - Saturday

    I guess jumping on the emo band wagon didn't pay off as well as they'd hoped. They had some good stuff though.
  5. demonica

    Fantasy Premier League

    You'll see it in good time my young friend You are in no way my friend, I find you objectionable, no just joking, I don't even know who you are, you could be a nice guy for all I know
  6. demonica

    Fantasy Premier League

    I have joined with a surprising choice of players, surprisingly awesome that is. Quite possibly a very bad choice
  7. demonica

    eirecore team for the thumped soccer comp

    Pissed off i'm going to miss this but I think me and Dez playing anarchist football on saturday! I assume it works the same way as normal football.
  8. demonica

    Thumped Fantasy Football 07/08

    Gonna beat you again like I said I would last year.
  9. demonica

    LEFTOVER CRACK - Last ever tour

    Gift?! Is that Bobby?
  10. demonica

    random nev sighting

    I'll get him back, i'll be strokin his mullet and handlebar mo.
  11. demonica

    Is it true? Adu Adu Adu ... u

    Anyway, check out Freddy Adus little brother
  12. demonica

    random nev sighting

    Doin real good boyo. Goin to america soon, have you got a contact for mckeown? hows B-town rock city?!
  13. demonica

    random nev sighting

  14. demonica

    random nev sighting

  15. demonica

    The Mero thread

  16. demonica


    Wish this shit wasn't happening, i'd rather see the stones.
  17. demonica

    Dublin Mayday 07

    Yous are some pair of pricks do yis know that.
  18. demonica

    Gunman kills 32 in Virginia Tech rampage

    Thanks for that brains.
  19. demonica

    Feminists, Feast Your Eyes

    I dunno, ask them. Is this a psychobilly?