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  1. demonica


  2. demonica


  3. demonica

    OM - bad news...

    Soon it'll be worsest.
  4. demonica


    You're quite clearly all racist.!ninjaaaa
  5. demonica

    Antifa Demo (organised by Socialist Youth) Wednesday, 30th of Jan.

    It never, no. I'm a pun genius, I don't need 2 hours honey.
  6. demonica

    Antifa Demo (organised by Socialist Youth) Wednesday, 30th of Jan.

    Hopefully UL get over it.
  7. demonica

    Wise? I don't think so.

    Apparently, yes.
  8. demonica

    I think of blackrock as the OC of Ireland

    Do you what your problem is honkey? You HATE seeing other people happy and living life better than themselfs, so you feel the need to put people down to make themselfs feel better - Jealousy.
  9. demonica

    Ye gods....

    Do they hunt their ancestors? Anyway, poor people just join the army and kill brown people.
  10. demonica

    I think of blackrock as the OC of Ireland Awesome Gone downhill since her CeRtIfIcATE 4 BeIn GoOd In SCHoO
  11. demonica

    Wise? I don't think so.

    Dennis Wise is a prick.
  12. demonica

    I think of blackrock as the OC of Ireland

    SUm PPPPPL sHUd juS go FuK themselfs
  13. demonica

    I think of blackrock as the OC of Ireland

    "You are attempting to enter MTV Overdrive UK. However this player is not currently available outside the United Kingdom or Ireland." Racist
  14. demonica

    stupid christian nutbags

    I love you.
  15. demonica

    DeRenzys dirty secret

    porn is not cool or funny. Spinning wee spouts on the other hand are awesome and make me jealous.
  16. demonica

    Now's your chance lads!

    He should have posted that message here
  17. demonica

    Christian/SxE band (NYC based) seeks members...

    Hi Arran, I am straight edge, God/allah is one of my favorite people/superheroes and would be more than willing to relocate to new york if the money is right. I have attached a picture of myself for your viewing pleasure, I hope my homosexuality isn't a problem. God bless, John Godlove
  18. demonica

    In my day ...

    "What annoys me about some footballers today is the personal glory thing," he added. "They score a goal and knock players out of the road so they can get personal gratification and play to the fans. "The present day footballer needs to be noticed with his ear-rings and tattoos. But people in...